Recipe for onion husk extract for country exploits
Not all fans of the garden and garden know that husk It is very useful for most types of vegetables, fruits and even some domestic plants. Yes, that's right, onion husks are not only useful for Easter.
But you need to understand that not all husks are suitable. The upper part of yellow onions, the usual, which is most often found in our stores, will be useful. White, purple and other sweet varieties are not suitable for this.
Onion husks, in addition to vitamin C, contain other useful substances. Their most interesting properties for the human body are the strengthening of vascular health and powerful antioxidant effect. That is why it is recommended to put in soups, broths, use in the form of decoctions both externally and internally. In general, we will always need husks.
However, the most effective onion husk will be in the garden. For example, it tends to increase the amount of carbohydrates, that is, sugars, in the fruits of plants. Treatment with onion husk extract increases the taste and yield indicators of some plants.
Onion husk extract
Naturally, the onion itself sometimes suffers from excessive wateriness (a small amount of sugars), fungi, diseases and pests. But it should be borne in mind that it is his husk, his protective layer often has serious damage. Where the husk is not damaged, there and bulbs have good size and composition, they are also not damaged by external factors.
The active substances in the husk decrease as they accumulate. Therefore, it is better to do the extract when the right amount of material for one “portion” is accumulated. Of course, it can be made on a water-based basis, but this will not give the best result, because in our case water is a poor extractor, and we do not recommend using it.
Ethyl alcohol is much better for our purposes. With its help, the extract is much easier to do and you do not need to boil the husk. There is no need to worry: the amount of extract that we will use is so small that there is no reason to use it. no harm plants.
So, take a half-liter jar of relatively clean husks, slightly tamp and pour 45% with ethyl alcohol. Close tightly and put for a week and a half in a dark warm place.
After this time, the extract will be ready. It can be filtered out, or you can leave it as it is - as it will be more convenient for you. In a cool place, it can be stored for up to 6 months.
How to use onion husk extract?
Onion husks can always be buried in the soil under shrubs or other plants, added to compost. This is a good solution, because onion husks are useful formicroorganismLiving in the soil and positively affecting your harvest.
Diluted extract is also good for indoor and ornamental plants. It is completely natural, so its use at home will not cause allergies and other side effects. A beautiful natural remedy that you can make with your own hands.

But you need to understand that not all husks are suitable. The upper part of yellow onions, the usual, which is most often found in our stores, will be useful. White, purple and other sweet varieties are not suitable for this.
Onion husks, in addition to vitamin C, contain other useful substances. Their most interesting properties for the human body are the strengthening of vascular health and powerful antioxidant effect. That is why it is recommended to put in soups, broths, use in the form of decoctions both externally and internally. In general, we will always need husks.

However, the most effective onion husk will be in the garden. For example, it tends to increase the amount of carbohydrates, that is, sugars, in the fruits of plants. Treatment with onion husk extract increases the taste and yield indicators of some plants.
Onion husk extract
- Improves the taste of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. It increases the amount of sugar.
- Increases the concentration of vitamins and useful substances.
- Prevents the development of fungi and bacteria.
- It scares away aphids and spider mites.
- It increases seed germination.
Naturally, the onion itself sometimes suffers from excessive wateriness (a small amount of sugars), fungi, diseases and pests. But it should be borne in mind that it is his husk, his protective layer often has serious damage. Where the husk is not damaged, there and bulbs have good size and composition, they are also not damaged by external factors.

The active substances in the husk decrease as they accumulate. Therefore, it is better to do the extract when the right amount of material for one “portion” is accumulated. Of course, it can be made on a water-based basis, but this will not give the best result, because in our case water is a poor extractor, and we do not recommend using it.

Ethyl alcohol is much better for our purposes. With its help, the extract is much easier to do and you do not need to boil the husk. There is no need to worry: the amount of extract that we will use is so small that there is no reason to use it. no harm plants.

So, take a half-liter jar of relatively clean husks, slightly tamp and pour 45% with ethyl alcohol. Close tightly and put for a week and a half in a dark warm place.

After this time, the extract will be ready. It can be filtered out, or you can leave it as it is - as it will be more convenient for you. In a cool place, it can be stored for up to 6 months.
How to use onion husk extract?
- To increase germination and disinfection of seeds: 1 tbsp of extract per glass of water (soak the seeds in a solution or sprout the seeds in it).
- Also for processing plants from spider mite, aphids, improving the quality and taste of fruits: 50-60 ml per bucket (10 l) of water.
- For the prevention of various diseases, you can engage in raining: 50-60 ml of extract per bucket (10 l) of water pour into a watering pot and water plants that need such practice.
Onion husks can always be buried in the soil under shrubs or other plants, added to compost. This is a good solution, because onion husks are useful formicroorganismLiving in the soil and positively affecting your harvest.

Diluted extract is also good for indoor and ornamental plants. It is completely natural, so its use at home will not cause allergies and other side effects. A beautiful natural remedy that you can make with your own hands.