The Art of Keeping Greens Fresh as Long as Possible
It seems like everyone knows exactly what it is. How to store fresh greens for a week or more. But in practice for some reason it turns out that only a few frail stalks survive from a bunch of beautiful green parsley or dill by the end of the week. The rest either turn yellow and dry, or, conversely, wither and rot.
In our article, we would like to talk about a simple, great way to keep any greens in the refrigerator, which will help solve the problem once and for all. But we will not stop there and give examples of other folk methods. We hope you will find this useful information useful too.
How to store fresh greens The way with napkins You will need
In the refrigerator, the greens can stand for one and a half weeks and still remain fresh and healthy. Perfect for vitamin salads and other dishes.
Other folk ways
Fresh greens are suitable for cooking many dishes: from salads and side dishes to broths and soups. Therefore, you need to be able to store it correctly. Our methods are suitable not only for standard parsley and dill. You can thus prolong the life of cilantro, basilica, mint, spinach...
And if you translate the price per bunch of greenery into the price per kilogram, the figures become quite impressive, and we can say that we also save the family budget. Meat dishes with cilantro, parsley and dill, pasta with basil and spinach, lemonades with mint. Fresh greens are useful everywhere! We, in turn, will help you keep it.
In our article, we would like to talk about a simple, great way to keep any greens in the refrigerator, which will help solve the problem once and for all. But we will not stop there and give examples of other folk methods. We hope you will find this useful information useful too.
How to store fresh greens The way with napkins You will need
- dry-green
- wipes
- container
- First of all, dry the greens with a napkin. Just carefully collect excess moisture from strong green stems. The rest, slacken up, just use the same day when cooking.
- Then take clean dry paper napkins without flavorings in 3-4 layers. Place one bundle of greens for each without excess moisture.
- Twirl the napkin around the bundle, but carefully so that the plants can breathe and do not crumple.
- Now put the bundles in the napkins in the food container. They should be quite free in it, again, avoid deformation of the stems. Cover the container.
In the refrigerator, the greens can stand for one and a half weeks and still remain fresh and healthy. Perfect for vitamin salads and other dishes.
Other folk ways
- Use a two- or three-liter (depending on the size of the stems) can. Just put dry unwashed greens in it and store them in the fridge. Take mine out before you use it.
- Wrap the greens in a dry clean towel and store them in the refrigerator. For those who have a spacious refrigerator.
- Standard way: in a glass of water, place a bunch of greens, cover with a disposable bag and leave in the refrigerator. Everyone's score is different. Apparently, the matter is in the products that lie at this time near the greenery.
- Put the greens in a bag without holes and inflate it. Wrap it in such a way that it remains a “ball”. The greens should be well stored in carbon dioxide, and the spherical shape of the package will not allow the stems to stick.
Fresh greens are suitable for cooking many dishes: from salads and side dishes to broths and soups. Therefore, you need to be able to store it correctly. Our methods are suitable not only for standard parsley and dill. You can thus prolong the life of cilantro, basilica, mint, spinach...
And if you translate the price per bunch of greenery into the price per kilogram, the figures become quite impressive, and we can say that we also save the family budget. Meat dishes with cilantro, parsley and dill, pasta with basil and spinach, lemonades with mint. Fresh greens are useful everywhere! We, in turn, will help you keep it.
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