I'm gonna bake orange biscuit instead of cakes, it smells like cherry blossoms.

Even the most experienced hostess does not always get an air biscuit. As a rule, to achieve the desired result, you have to make many unsuccessful attempts. So today's editorial office. "Site" offers you a reliable recipe, thanks to which you are guaranteed to get a light, like a cloud, orange biscuit.

You can prepare such a pastry from completely simple ingredients in a matter of minutes. The result will surely please you!

The ingredients
  • 3 egg whites
  • 70g powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 90g wheat flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 30g butter
  • 1 tsp orange peel
  • 30ml orange juice

  1. To start, we melt butter in a water bath, after which we add orange peel and juice to it.

  2. Next up with a mixer. squirt with sugar to white foam. After that, add lemon juice and still whip the mixture to persistent peaks. Then we send egg yolks to them and beat everything to uniformity again.

  3. Now we add flour. It's a must. sift And so you saturate it with oxygen, so that the biscuit eventually turns out to be even more airy. Also introduce salt and mix everything thoroughly, without leaving lumps in the dough.

  4. Then in a container with an oil-orange mixture, add a few spoons of the resulting dough. Stir the contents well and pour it into a bowl with the rest of the dough. We mix everything again, evenly combining all the ingredients with each other.

  5. Finally pour the dough into a moulded parchment-paper. We send our future biscuit to be baked in the oven heated to 160 ° C for 30-35 minutes. Readiness is better checked with a toothpick.

I'm sure you can't wait to smell it. blush. Take note of this recipe and hurry to please your relatives with delicious air baked goods. Bon appetit!


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