What is the first thing to treat antiseptic in the house
Today, home disinfection has become especially necessary. It seems that there is no person left on Earth who has not heard about the coronavirus.
At the same time, many still do not realize the importance of preventive measures.
Previously edited "Site" I already told you how to disinfect your home. And also shared a set of rules for disinfecting things.
Today we decided to dig a little deeper into this issue and talk about the most contaminated home surfaces that need to be disinfected first.
Many people forget that one of the most contaminated items in the house is a mobile phone. We used to use it 24 hours a day, so it has become a part of us.
Due to regular use, mobile devices accumulate many bacteria at times faster than anything else.
Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take care of its cleaning. After all, all you need is to wipe the phone with an antiseptic at least once a day.
Moreover, it is necessary to wipe not only the case, but also the smartphone screen.
Let's think about what else in the house we touch most often.
Of course, it's about doorknobs. Their disinfection should also be given special attention.
The same goes for switches. Often, coming home from the street, we immediately reach for the switch to turn on the light. Then we go to the bathroom to wash our hands. And with clean hands again touch the switch to extinguish the lights.
Does it make sense to wash your hands when they get dirty again in a few minutes? Definitely do. But much more effective hand washing will be combined with disinfection of switches.
Another breeding ground for microbes in the house is the flush button located on the toilet bowl.
It is desirable to treat it with a disinfectant at least 1-2 times a day.
To many, this collection may seem too predictable. But hardly many people realize that one of the dirtiest things in the house is a favorite sofa.
Coming home tired, some often immediately sit down on the sofa to rest a little. They do this without taking off their outer clothes. What about hand washing?
Therefore, on the surface of the sofa also appears a lot of bacteria that need to get rid of.
Particular attention should be paid to washing pillowcases for pillowcases and a blanket, which is lined with a sofa. If there is no blanket, you should thoroughly disinfect the very surface of the sofa with a brush or cloth (depending on what surface) and a special means.

At the same time, many still do not realize the importance of preventive measures.
Previously edited "Site" I already told you how to disinfect your home. And also shared a set of rules for disinfecting things.

Today we decided to dig a little deeper into this issue and talk about the most contaminated home surfaces that need to be disinfected first.
Many people forget that one of the most contaminated items in the house is a mobile phone. We used to use it 24 hours a day, so it has become a part of us.
Due to regular use, mobile devices accumulate many bacteria at times faster than anything else.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take care of its cleaning. After all, all you need is to wipe the phone with an antiseptic at least once a day.
Moreover, it is necessary to wipe not only the case, but also the smartphone screen.

Let's think about what else in the house we touch most often.
Of course, it's about doorknobs. Their disinfection should also be given special attention.

The same goes for switches. Often, coming home from the street, we immediately reach for the switch to turn on the light. Then we go to the bathroom to wash our hands. And with clean hands again touch the switch to extinguish the lights.

Does it make sense to wash your hands when they get dirty again in a few minutes? Definitely do. But much more effective hand washing will be combined with disinfection of switches.
Another breeding ground for microbes in the house is the flush button located on the toilet bowl.

It is desirable to treat it with a disinfectant at least 1-2 times a day.
To many, this collection may seem too predictable. But hardly many people realize that one of the dirtiest things in the house is a favorite sofa.
Coming home tired, some often immediately sit down on the sofa to rest a little. They do this without taking off their outer clothes. What about hand washing?
Therefore, on the surface of the sofa also appears a lot of bacteria that need to get rid of.

Particular attention should be paid to washing pillowcases for pillowcases and a blanket, which is lined with a sofa. If there is no blanket, you should thoroughly disinfect the very surface of the sofa with a brush or cloth (depending on what surface) and a special means.