What Jewish wisdom says about representatives of different zodiac signs

Many people do not know that Jews have their own horoscope. We're editorial. "Site" I recently made this discovery and decided to share it with readers. I wonder what it is. signification in a Jewish horoscope. After all, this ancient people was always famous for their wisdom, and therefore the descriptions of signs are probably very subtle and accurate. It's time to check.

“A good horoscope, like a guiding star, will always show the right way,” says Jewish wisdom. And the horoscope here is really curious. Each sign of the zodiac has a specific month.

Signs of Fire Aries is the month of Nisan
Those who are lucky enough to be born under the sign of Aries, people are brave and determined. They are always ready to fight and go to the end. It is among the representatives of this zodiac sign that there are always enough real winners, stubborn and self-confident.

Lions - month Av
According to the Jewish horoscope, only lions receive energy from the sun and are influenced by it. Perhaps because of this, representatives of the sign often believe that the world revolves around them. Confident in themselves and their abilities, they do not hesitate to show confidence to others. Require respect for themselves, and in his absence are capable of the most inexplicable actions.

Sagittarius - month of Kislev
That’s where there are always optimists, so it’s among Sagittarius. They are always positive, and therefore any work they can. They love to travel and always discover something new. Although they can be too carefree, which results in different dependencies. They are often addicted to gambling.

Signs of the Earth Taurus - month of Iyar
In Taurus it is possible to combine two entities at once. On the one hand, these people are responsible and self-sufficient, but on the other - subtle natures that require romance and caring attitude to themselves.

Virgo is the month of Elul
They are chasing the perfect order, and the mess makes them mad. The way Virgo lives is a real example for everyone and everyone. It is not surprising that in life representatives of this sign are neat and reliable, you can always rely on them.

Capricorns - month Tevet
But Capricorns feel good only when they benefit others. The need to take care of someone is a very striking feature. Therefore, if Capricorn creates a family, he will try to do everything possible and impossible to make his loved ones feel good.

Air Signs Twins - the month of Sivan
Intellectuals who understand the real price of information. They are constantly interested in new trends, grabbing one thing or another. It is difficult for them to constantly give themselves to a single cause, and therefore they are always in search. Every day Gemini can be different beyond recognition.

Libra - month of Tishrei
Representatives of this sign in the Jewish horoscope are considered the most indecisive. But their constant hiccups happen for a reason. The fact is that when solving any life task, Libra sees several interesting solutions at once, and therefore they weigh for a long time what is better. And in disputes, Libra will not fervently support either side, since they immediately understand the arguments of both.

Aquarius is the month of Shevat
Real rebels who can't stand to adapt to the system. They want to change the whole world. Among Aquarius there are enough scientists or social workers. And already in childhood, representatives of this sign show great hopes. Most often, the main obstacle in their way is not external, but internal factors. It is the struggle with their ego that often prevents them from turning dreams into reality.

Water signs Raki is the month of Tammuz
Most need care, love and devotion. Cancers need to surround themselves with good people. "My home is my fortress" is about Cancer. They are very attached to the house and family, try to do everything so that the household was safe and did not deny themselves anything.

Pisces - month of Adar
Sensitive and vulnerable, with good intuition. Pisces are always serious about any business that carries them even a little. Very calm in appearance, but inside can experience real drama. All because any problems representatives of this sign absorb like sponges. But letting go of experiences is not easy for them.

Scorpios - month of Heshwan
They love to control everything, even when it comes to the personal lives of their loved ones. They know how to love, but they know how to hate. They almost never forgive offenses or betrayals. At the same time, there are always enough talented people among Scorpios: doctors, financiers, businessmen.

It was interesting to know the meaning of the zodiac signs, according to Jewish sages. Although there is not much difference between the local horoscope and the usual one. Maybe it’s just that everything that worked before still works now.


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