15 Things More Important Than Money

1. Relationship experience
Kiss someone. Write a letter to someone, tell them how you feel. Spend the whole day preparing an elegant dish and eat it by candlelight with your loved one.
2. Wisdom
If you think you know the answer, you are not wise. Keep learning. Wisdom comes from knowing how little you actually know.
3. Marriage.
Accepting another person fully and deeply into your life is life-changing. Discovering each part of you directly to another person constantly stimulates and makes you strive to be a better person.
4. Friendship
Regular camaraderie and camaraderie are a good confirmation of life. Friendships don’t revolve around things you have or actions you can afford – they revolve around the people themselves and their relationships.
5. Physical health
Health cannot be bought, but it can be helped by the personal choices we make.
6. Psychological health
On the back of the physical coin is psychological health. Expressing our feelings in a healthy way. Addressing problems that bother us, not avoiding them.
7. Passion.
What activities make you feel excited and filled? These are the spices without which the dish of your life will be scarce and tasteless.
8. Communications
The ability to express our thoughts and feelings to a receptive audience is truly invaluable. It allows us to share elements of our inner world with others, something that cannot be achieved by all material wealth on this planet.
9. Self-reliance
Money comes and goes. The ability to survive and even thrive without money means that money becomes significantly less important.
10. Security
If we focus our efforts on creating security and creating a corner where we are protected from failure, we create a situation where our material values are much less tied to our ability to earn an extra penny. By laying the foundation for our security now, we will get real returns in the future.
11. Assistance to others
For most people, helping others provides a sense of joy and satisfaction, something that cannot be replaced by any kind of material possession.
12. Personal growth
Each individual has countless opportunities to improve as a human being—behavior, faith, etc. By working on yourself now, you are improving yours.
13. Gratitude.
If you go from wanting things you don’t have to being grateful for what you have, your life satisfaction will quickly increase.
14. hobby
Many people fall into the routine of life and do not see that true happiness does not depend on the amount of money or things bought. Get away from it. Try something new and find something you truly enjoy. Often, these are the simplest things – games, long walks, communication.
15. Spirituality
What if spirituality is not the purpose of our lives? Knowing yourself through reading, contemplating, contemplating, and praying can give you an incredible sense of calm, peace, and even joy that can be hard to find elsewhere and impossible to find with money.