Why falling asleep in front of the TV is a bad idea

Falling asleep to the monotonous buzzing of the TV is a popular habit among the older generation. And even young, but tired people often do not have time to produce. turn off before falling into the arms of Morpheus.

It would seem that there is nothing terrible here. A man has fallen asleep. Wake up, turn off the TV and watch your dreams. Meanwhile, scientists of all stripes unanimously declare the danger of falling asleep in front of a working TV.

Turning off the TV “Man is designed so that he simply has to sleep in pitch darkness.” Sunrise affects light receptors, causing the brain to receive a signal to wake up. Then the release of serotonin is blocked, which makes a person sleepy. The same thing happens in the light from the TV. Therefore, a person simply can not fully sleep, says Dr. Guy Meadows, who studies sleep problems.

What problems will bring the included TV
  1. Bad sleep.
    The blue light from the TV just tells our body to stay awake, not sleep. Therefore, high-quality and deep sleep is out of the question. And although from the outside it seems that a person sleeps sweetly, but this is not the dream that will give strength and bring cheerfulness in the morning.

  2. Unnecessary brain stimulation
    For rest, our brain needs darkness. Only in such conditions can he relax and get rid of unnecessary information. However, blue light from the box signals to the brain that it is impossible to relax. And he is forced to keep the cheerfulness of the last forces. In the morning, people will feel exhausted.

  3. Restless and frightening dreams
    Someone falls asleep in front of the TV, and someone watches movies and TV shows late at night. In any case, such activity has a bad effect on the psyche, disrupts sleep. Such people fall asleep worse, have nightmares more often and struggle with fatigue every day.

These unpleasant consequences are not limited. Disturbance of rest hits health from various sides. Someone gains a couple of pounds, someone gets insomnia or even sleepwalking, and someone falls into a prolonged depression.

Therefore, all movie fans who do not feel cheerful in the morning should pay more attention to sleep hygiene. Try to give up all gadgets at least an hour before going to bed, and sleep in a dark and quiet room. Your body will thank you in the morning.

For those who can’t (or won’t) give up TV at night, there’s a solution. It is worth using a regular timer on the device so that the TV turns off automatically at the same time. Fortunately, this function is on any more or less modern device.


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