Where to leave walnut leaves until spring, so that everyone is jealous of the harvest
The hazel loses its last leaves, and the autumn flower bed becomes like a small fairy-tale monster. Inexperienced housewives, including myself, often do not know whether to throw the leaves or leave them. To determine, I asked my more experienced friends-gardeners, and also scoured the advice of housewives on the Internet. Now I'm sharing their experience with you.
Autumn Bedroom I received a lot of different advice. Some of them are very controversial, so be careful! Remember that a real gardener must pass through fire, water and copper pipes to achieve the highest level of skill. So, what is advised to do with fallen nut leaves experienced gardeners and gardeners:
But under the nut itself you need to plant everything very carefully. It is the thickness of its branches that create a great shadow. Be sure to read about how much the flower you want to plant likes sunlight. Perhaps you can give some advice to me and our readers about the leaves of walnut and other trees that shelter our flower beds in autumn? What better way to deal with them?
Autumn Bedroom I received a lot of different advice. Some of them are very controversial, so be careful! Remember that a real gardener must pass through fire, water and copper pipes to achieve the highest level of skill. So, what is advised to do with fallen nut leaves experienced gardeners and gardeners:

- They say that garlic nut leaves really like. Many plant garlic for the winter and cover it with nut leaf.
- Potatoes also grow much better if you add leaves and mulch when growing. Mistresses lay out And then they plant the potatoes. The amount of potatoes spoiled by parasites and pests is significantly reduced.
- The vineyard can also be safely covered with a nut leaf. Belarusian biologist tells about this in his video in great detail.
- If there are really many leaves, tomato-lovers It is advised to pack it in dark bags and cover the ground under tomato bushes in spring. They say weeds won't get your tomatoes, either.
- Gardeners appreciate hazel for the fact that its leaves do not turn into “porridge” in winter, and therefore well protect delicate plants from frost. Removing such a cover is also not difficult.
- Great mulch from leaves that fell out too early, it turns out cucumber. According to gardeners, nut leaves are also great for growing some flowers. For example, hydrangeas, roses, tulips, lilies and many other early flowers.
- In the leaves iodineIt is for this reason that flies, caterpillars and mosquitoes are extremely rarely found under nuts. However, some plants do not like iodine either.

But under the nut itself you need to plant everything very carefully. It is the thickness of its branches that create a great shadow. Be sure to read about how much the flower you want to plant likes sunlight. Perhaps you can give some advice to me and our readers about the leaves of walnut and other trees that shelter our flower beds in autumn? What better way to deal with them?
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