The most anticipated albums of which we have long been waiting for
Twenty two million four hundred forty five thousand thirteen
For music lovers there is nothing better than a fresh album of their favorite artist. But sometimes the stars of the scene not in a hurry to please its fans with new music hits. And wait for their plates, have a few, maybe more, years. So, here are 5 artists, new albums which we have been waiting for, and they keep postponing its entry for “later”.
The British pop singer was a revelation in 2011. Her tracks “I listened to the hole”, because she really is very talented. In the Wake of the success Adele has released hits one after the other, but soon something went wrong. The singer married and gave birth to a son, and then disappeared from the first lines of billboards. Latest album Adele came out about 5 years ago, but the artist believes that the fans can still wait a couple years.
Note, as soon as the new Adele album, you can download it for free from Maxi radio. Also, there are download new Russian music and many other tracks.
Madonna – the real Queen of the scene. And although she has over 60 albums it releases properly. However, the last tour of the singer took place in 2015, as the release of the latest album. And behold, the star finally announced that this autumn in the sale will be about her new album – the hot mix of the best hits and fresh music. You can download videos from youtube online at Max Radio.
Miley Cyrus
After the resounding success in the field of music in 2013, Miley decided to settle down and rebuild their personal lives. She is perfectly turned out in the end of 2018, she married his “eternal” Beau, actor Liam Hemsworth. And now fans wait for the singer will once again pursue music, not matters of the heart. But as you know that the young actress... However, to download music for free on Max radio.
Christina Aguilera
For unknown reasons, in recent years, the artist writes frankly weak albums. It seems that she will not have to repeat the resounding success of the album in 2006, which occupied the top of the charts in over 10 countries. However, rumor has it that Christina started working on a new project. Hmm, maybe he really will be better than the previous three.
The actress, who recently turned 31, is unwilling to play music and actively working on his new collection of clothes. However, she promised to release a couple of singles by the end of 2019. All the fresh music from the best Russian and foreign artists can listen to and download Max-radio.
For music lovers there is nothing better than a fresh album of their favorite artist. But sometimes the stars of the scene not in a hurry to please its fans with new music hits. And wait for their plates, have a few, maybe more, years. So, here are 5 artists, new albums which we have been waiting for, and they keep postponing its entry for “later”.
The British pop singer was a revelation in 2011. Her tracks “I listened to the hole”, because she really is very talented. In the Wake of the success Adele has released hits one after the other, but soon something went wrong. The singer married and gave birth to a son, and then disappeared from the first lines of billboards. Latest album Adele came out about 5 years ago, but the artist believes that the fans can still wait a couple years.
Note, as soon as the new Adele album, you can download it for free from Maxi radio. Also, there are download new Russian music and many other tracks.
Madonna – the real Queen of the scene. And although she has over 60 albums it releases properly. However, the last tour of the singer took place in 2015, as the release of the latest album. And behold, the star finally announced that this autumn in the sale will be about her new album – the hot mix of the best hits and fresh music. You can download videos from youtube online at Max Radio.
Miley Cyrus
After the resounding success in the field of music in 2013, Miley decided to settle down and rebuild their personal lives. She is perfectly turned out in the end of 2018, she married his “eternal” Beau, actor Liam Hemsworth. And now fans wait for the singer will once again pursue music, not matters of the heart. But as you know that the young actress... However, to download music for free on Max radio.
Christina Aguilera
For unknown reasons, in recent years, the artist writes frankly weak albums. It seems that she will not have to repeat the resounding success of the album in 2006, which occupied the top of the charts in over 10 countries. However, rumor has it that Christina started working on a new project. Hmm, maybe he really will be better than the previous three.
The actress, who recently turned 31, is unwilling to play music and actively working on his new collection of clothes. However, she promised to release a couple of singles by the end of 2019. All the fresh music from the best Russian and foreign artists can listen to and download Max-radio.

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