New residential complexes in each district of Kaliningrad
Seventy million four hundred fifty eight thousand sixty seven
If by 2018 Kaliningrad was built up point by the way, thanks to the policy of a new measure signed permission for the erection of several new neighborhoods. Developers submitted to https://kaliningrad.etagi.com/zastr/ projects of large residential complexes with apartments of different classes. As expected, the most expensive apartments are in the Central area. And housing class standard and economy will join the real estate market of the Moscow district. The average cost per square meter of new housing is planned from 48 thousand rubles, which is a thousand cheaper than offers from the secondary market. Due to this condition will increase the demand for new housing and to provide residents of Kaliningrad modern comfortable apartments.
Which area to choose an apartment
Administrative division of Kaliningrad has its own peculiarity. The fact that all regions start from the main square of the city.
Central is the historic, business, cultural and largest. Here along with a theater, a zoo and beautiful parks located factories, companies. Apartments are not cheaper than in Europe. But, the comfort and the view from the window conquers many buyers. Cost housing cost:
South and the quiet area is considered to be Moscow. It is located closest to the sea, which significantly affects the climate. Due to the active construction of his territory is filled with new apartment complexes and allows residents of Kaliningrad to buy an inexpensive but quality accommodation in a quiet and green district.
Architecture in the German style differs from others built in the Leningrad area. It occupies the Northern part of the city and its streets are decorated with spectacular historic houses of European type. For half a million rubles you can buy a small Studio apartment. A spacious 2-room house 70 squares is estimated at around 3.5 million.
What with real estate prices
Since the city is self-sufficient, and the standard of living is higher in other regions of the Federation, then purchasing your own apartment is a profitable investment property. At the end of 2017 the market of primary and secondary real estate have stabilized. The number of proposals from developers and private owners are almost equal, and the cost of these square meters differed at a minimum. With the beginning of global city development is expected to be "housing boom". Developers will offer buyers even more options of floor plans and affordable prices for new square footage. This condition will compete with proposals from the "secondary" and will provoke a drop in prices for b/u housing.
If by 2018 Kaliningrad was built up point by the way, thanks to the policy of a new measure signed permission for the erection of several new neighborhoods. Developers submitted to https://kaliningrad.etagi.com/zastr/ projects of large residential complexes with apartments of different classes. As expected, the most expensive apartments are in the Central area. And housing class standard and economy will join the real estate market of the Moscow district. The average cost per square meter of new housing is planned from 48 thousand rubles, which is a thousand cheaper than offers from the secondary market. Due to this condition will increase the demand for new housing and to provide residents of Kaliningrad modern comfortable apartments.
Which area to choose an apartment
Administrative division of Kaliningrad has its own peculiarity. The fact that all regions start from the main square of the city.
Central is the historic, business, cultural and largest. Here along with a theater, a zoo and beautiful parks located factories, companies. Apartments are not cheaper than in Europe. But, the comfort and the view from the window conquers many buyers. Cost housing cost:
- since 3.5 million is a 1-bedroom options;
- about 2.6 million rubles for a one bedroom apartment at 52.2 square;
- more than 4 million over three years to 69 m2.
South and the quiet area is considered to be Moscow. It is located closest to the sea, which significantly affects the climate. Due to the active construction of his territory is filled with new apartment complexes and allows residents of Kaliningrad to buy an inexpensive but quality accommodation in a quiet and green district.
Architecture in the German style differs from others built in the Leningrad area. It occupies the Northern part of the city and its streets are decorated with spectacular historic houses of European type. For half a million rubles you can buy a small Studio apartment. A spacious 2-room house 70 squares is estimated at around 3.5 million.
What with real estate prices
Since the city is self-sufficient, and the standard of living is higher in other regions of the Federation, then purchasing your own apartment is a profitable investment property. At the end of 2017 the market of primary and secondary real estate have stabilized. The number of proposals from developers and private owners are almost equal, and the cost of these square meters differed at a minimum. With the beginning of global city development is expected to be "housing boom". Developers will offer buyers even more options of floor plans and affordable prices for new square footage. This condition will compete with proposals from the "secondary" and will provoke a drop in prices for b/u housing.
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