Variety of materials for sandblasting: how to choose
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Technology of cleaning dirt off surfaces using sand started to develop in the nineteenth century. The method consists in the supply of abrasive sand mixture onto the soiled surface under great pressure. The speed of the mixture in this case can reach almost 700 kilometers per hour. Since the advent of technology, the classic consumable was considered sand. But with the development of industrial production and improvement in the production of plastics, sandblasting in Gorno-Altaisk today made from several types of material.
The expansion of the sand doesn't just happen. Over time, specialists have used the approach have come to the conclusion that the modernization of the equipment does not affect its performance. So they decided to go to the other side and experiment with different types of sand.
Since the emergence of the technology of sandblasting in Gorno-Altaysk and until recently, the quartz sand was considered one of the most common and readily available materials. But developments in the industrial sector opened to the world of new materials that significantly exceed the performance of quartz sand. Interestingly, in a number of foreign countries quartz sand in principle prohibited to conduct sandblasting due to the mismatch between the security requirements to the material.
One of the reasons for the refusal of some of the artists from quartz sand – the formation of large amounts of dust during operation. This dust is extremely harmful to human health – getting into the respiratory system, it can cause serious respiratory illnesses. Therefore, master, who did not refuse quartz fractions, they use professional protective equipment: protective solid suit, respirators, masks, gloves. Thus minimizes the contact with quartz sand dust in the lungs.
When sandblasting in Gorno-Altaysk may include the following materials:
The most expensive blend is elektrokorund. But given the possibility of re-use and re-use, material costs are recouped in just a few applications. Especially important is this time for professionals who provide services for sandblasting in Gorno-Altaysk on a commercial basis.
Technology of cleaning dirt off surfaces using sand started to develop in the nineteenth century. The method consists in the supply of abrasive sand mixture onto the soiled surface under great pressure. The speed of the mixture in this case can reach almost 700 kilometers per hour. Since the advent of technology, the classic consumable was considered sand. But with the development of industrial production and improvement in the production of plastics, sandblasting in Gorno-Altaisk today made from several types of material.
The expansion of the sand doesn't just happen. Over time, specialists have used the approach have come to the conclusion that the modernization of the equipment does not affect its performance. So they decided to go to the other side and experiment with different types of sand.
Since the emergence of the technology of sandblasting in Gorno-Altaysk and until recently, the quartz sand was considered one of the most common and readily available materials. But developments in the industrial sector opened to the world of new materials that significantly exceed the performance of quartz sand. Interestingly, in a number of foreign countries quartz sand in principle prohibited to conduct sandblasting due to the mismatch between the security requirements to the material.
One of the reasons for the refusal of some of the artists from quartz sand – the formation of large amounts of dust during operation. This dust is extremely harmful to human health – getting into the respiratory system, it can cause serious respiratory illnesses. Therefore, master, who did not refuse quartz fractions, they use professional protective equipment: protective solid suit, respirators, masks, gloves. Thus minimizes the contact with quartz sand dust in the lungs.
When sandblasting in Gorno-Altaysk may include the following materials:
- * River sand. Material be sure to sift to avoid large particles from entering the nozzle and do not put it so out of action;
- * Sand quarry. A fraction of this sand in very shallow, so in addition to screening, it needs additional flushing.
- * Slag abrasives. These materials are derived from waste products of Nickel and copper. For the price of the mixture is close to the sand, on operational characteristics also does not concede to it.
- * Fraction. A mixture of steel and cast iron. More expensive than sand, but has improved performance characteristics. Roll allows to clean the surface several times faster than sand or similar materials. In addition to the cleaning function, the fraction is able to temper the surface: striking the surface, the fraction gives her strength, as after forging.
- * Electrocorundum. Is considered one of the most durable abrasives. Consists of crystalline particles of aluminum oxide. Versatile and economical to use, as particles of corundum is very durable, so after work is almost not deformed. Therefore, the mixture can be reused.
- How to choose material for sandblasting in Gorno-Altaysk
- In General, the experts in sandblasted, pick their own faction to handle each specific details. But if you have decided to buy a compound, it is to be guided when the choice is a few options:
- * Thickness of contamination on the cleaned surface – the thicker the layer, the greater the diameter of the sand fraction will require;
- * The thickness of the product is important to calculate the power which will be fed faction;
- * The final state of the surface being cleaned. The strict requirements to have sandblasted in Gorno-Altaysk, the product had no visible defects (dents, chips, scratches), you should choose the fine fraction. Speed, of course, will be lower, but the quality of machined parts or surfaces will be better;
- * Reuse. If possible, collect and reuse the mixture for sandblasting, you should focus on cheaper options.
The most expensive blend is elektrokorund. But given the possibility of re-use and re-use, material costs are recouped in just a few applications. Especially important is this time for professionals who provide services for sandblasting in Gorno-Altaysk on a commercial basis.

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