Men's hair salon with spa services and a free bar for customers
Sixty nine million nine hundred six thousand five hundred fifty one
Something more than the usual standard Barber or beauty salon and barbershop in the heart of St. Petersburg offers the services of professional stylists to men. Haircut for every day, holiday or special event will be tastefully selected and decorated in the best way. Barbershop also offers its clients:
Not only cut, but also nice to talk to
Network professional male hairdressers working in Saint-Petersburg. Barbera were able to work with scissors, clippers and razors. Are fluent in the techniques of:
And Barbershop SPb is a real men's club, where people come not only for the creation of a stylish image. For customers here is also free bar that brewed excellent coffee, and treated to a glass of strong whiskey. While the wizard works on his masterpiece, the client will be able to taste alcoholic drink or to enjoy the taste of wonderful coffee.
A special service – the bachelor party
Getting ready for the wedding, invite your witnesses and friends in the barbershop for haircuts, creating thematic images (if the ceremony is planned in a certain style) and the bachelor party. On this occasion for the fun of organized reception for a period of two and a half hours. Benefits include:
Learning the skill and style
On the basis of men's hairdressing Academy works for teaching the skill of the Barber. Classes are held according to a schedule in the Central branch. Future masters internship from the beginning of the visits. Technique work on specially invited models, obtaining in this way practical experience. The course consists of 20 lessons, each of which lasts at least 3 hours.
Something more than the usual standard Barber or beauty salon and barbershop in the heart of St. Petersburg offers the services of professional stylists to men. Haircut for every day, holiday or special event will be tastefully selected and decorated in the best way. Barbershop also offers its clients:
- fashion styling;
- shaving, including a threat;
- correction and modeling of the beard, eyebrows;
- kids ' haircuts.

Not only cut, but also nice to talk to
Network professional male hairdressers working in Saint-Petersburg. Barbera were able to work with scissors, clippers and razors. Are fluent in the techniques of:
- short cuts;
- classical forms;
- the longer variants.
And Barbershop SPb is a real men's club, where people come not only for the creation of a stylish image. For customers here is also free bar that brewed excellent coffee, and treated to a glass of strong whiskey. While the wizard works on his masterpiece, the client will be able to taste alcoholic drink or to enjoy the taste of wonderful coffee.

A special service – the bachelor party
Getting ready for the wedding, invite your witnesses and friends in the barbershop for haircuts, creating thematic images (if the ceremony is planned in a certain style) and the bachelor party. On this occasion for the fun of organized reception for a period of two and a half hours. Benefits include:
- snacks;
- the best whiskey;
- all procedures, including Spa services, in a relaxed atmosphere.

Learning the skill and style
On the basis of men's hairdressing Academy works for teaching the skill of the Barber. Classes are held according to a schedule in the Central branch. Future masters internship from the beginning of the visits. Technique work on specially invited models, obtaining in this way practical experience. The course consists of 20 lessons, each of which lasts at least 3 hours.

Distinctive features and services of the barbershop
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