Proper use of fungicides - Internet-shop Fazenda
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Today, many people do country chores, grow vegetables, fruits and other decorative culture. To increase yield and pest control many people use a variety of fungicides. These drugs allow you to obtain a good yield, beautiful appearance of ornamental plants and retain all useful properties and vitamins of the vegetables and fruits.
Types of fungicides
Fungicides used around the country site, but you need to choose and know about the usage. Thus, the fungicides to Apple trees are one method of use, but fungicides for tomatoes is now different. Before use, carefully read the instructions, dosage and method of application.
All these drugs are divided into:
— organic;
— inorganic.
Of course, it is best to give preference to organic preparations, because they do not contain metals. Also they are very easy to prepare and use. For example, most of these drugs can be a fungicide for strawberries.
Such drugs can be used both independently and combined with other funds. To use organic substances more frequently than inorganic, because they are quickly removed from the soil.
Also these drugs are divided into those that have therapeutic properties, and those that have preventive properties. What to choose you can consult with experts or from personal experience.
The use of fungicides
Methods of use of fungicides also several. So, it can be etching – it is used for tubers and seeds of plants before you plant them into the soil. Spraying or dusting can be carried out for the above-ground parts of the plant. You can use this method several times per season. Also spray can and greenhouses and vegetable stores to decontaminate.
Another method the use of these drugs is the incorporation into the soil. Most often it is the powder which is spread on the garden beds. So, you will get an increased yield and will always have a pleasant flavor and taste.
Make the soil while digging the garden, for example, in the fall. So, you will be able to kill all the fungal infections and in the spring to the fertile soil. The use of fungicides completely safe for human health, it is only necessary to follow the recommendations and dosages when using them. Now your yard is always in excellent condition, and your mood will always be high.
Today, many people do country chores, grow vegetables, fruits and other decorative culture. To increase yield and pest control many people use a variety of fungicides. These drugs allow you to obtain a good yield, beautiful appearance of ornamental plants and retain all useful properties and vitamins of the vegetables and fruits.
Types of fungicides
Fungicides used around the country site, but you need to choose and know about the usage. Thus, the fungicides to Apple trees are one method of use, but fungicides for tomatoes is now different. Before use, carefully read the instructions, dosage and method of application.
All these drugs are divided into:
— organic;
— inorganic.
Of course, it is best to give preference to organic preparations, because they do not contain metals. Also they are very easy to prepare and use. For example, most of these drugs can be a fungicide for strawberries.
Such drugs can be used both independently and combined with other funds. To use organic substances more frequently than inorganic, because they are quickly removed from the soil.
Also these drugs are divided into those that have therapeutic properties, and those that have preventive properties. What to choose you can consult with experts or from personal experience.
The use of fungicides
Methods of use of fungicides also several. So, it can be etching – it is used for tubers and seeds of plants before you plant them into the soil. Spraying or dusting can be carried out for the above-ground parts of the plant. You can use this method several times per season. Also spray can and greenhouses and vegetable stores to decontaminate.
Another method the use of these drugs is the incorporation into the soil. Most often it is the powder which is spread on the garden beds. So, you will get an increased yield and will always have a pleasant flavor and taste.
Make the soil while digging the garden, for example, in the fall. So, you will be able to kill all the fungal infections and in the spring to the fertile soil. The use of fungicides completely safe for human health, it is only necessary to follow the recommendations and dosages when using them. Now your yard is always in excellent condition, and your mood will always be high.
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