10 Mistakes That Make You Spend More on Food

We go to supermarkets almost every day and hardly think about doing anything wrong. In the meantime, small, seemingly insignificant mistakes can significantly affect our budget.
Website I have gathered some of them for you. But, most importantly, we learned that it will help to save on purchases without compromising the quality of products.
1. Buying products in the wrong order

It is difficult to limit ourselves in the number of products we buy. However, to control that they are beneficial to health, we can quite. Those who can not refrain from stuffing a basket with food to the end, you should start shopping with the vegetable department: vegetables will fill the basket, and you will have less space for expensive and unnecessary purchases.
2. Do not know the prices of products that you buy constantly

Try to remember or even write down the value of the products you are constantly buying. This will help you avoid getting caught in a fake sale when the price remains the same and the price tag literally shouts that it used to be higher. This way you won’t make an unplanned purchase because of a “seductive” discount.
3. Not to plan

Not just a shopping list, but a menu for the next week. So, having planned the menu from Monday to Friday, you will know what products to buy for the preparation of these dishes, and will not buy extra.
4. Ignore the weight of the package

Let’s say there are two identical packs of oil on the showcase, one of which is slightly cheaper than the other. Do not rush to buy one that is less expensive! First, look at the weight of the product. Maybe more expensive oil has more weight, so in terms of kilograms buying will be more profitable.
5. Disregard your own stamps

Almost every supermarket has its own brand, under which they sell goods at a lower cost than the products of famous manufacturers. In fact, the quality of "local" products is no worse - the difference is only in less colorful packaging. In addition, products under its own brand are produced at the same enterprises where products of popular brands are manufactured.
6. Do not try the new

Many of us are constantly buying products of the same brand for fear of trying something new. However, manufacturers of as yet unknown brands often sell high-quality goods even cheaper. Do not be afraid to experiment: this will not only save money, but also find a more delicious and useful product.
7. Do not track discounts

There are special mobile applications that collect information about promotions in various grocery stores located near you. In addition to prices, such applications make it possible to compare the cost of the same goods in different stores and find the most profitable offer.
8. Do not buy cheap products

All sorts of cereals, sugar, salt, spices and other similar products can be bought at a minimum price. So, for example, sugar sand in a conventional bag will not differ from sugar sand in colorful packaging.
9. Take products from the first row

To buy the freshest product, look deep into the showcase: supermarket workers lay out in the first row of goods whose shelf life is nearing completion. So you will not only buy the freshest milk or butter, but also save, because, as you know, most of the products purchased by us are in the garbage bin due to the expired expiration date.
10. Succumb to the tricks of marketers

Vegetable oil “with vitamin E”, salt “non-GMO”, eggs “with orange yolk” – all these lures have a good effect on sales. But before you buy a "unique" product, think about whether it is really so exclusive. After all, vitamin E is in sunflower seeds, which means that in sunflower oil it will be in any case; GMOs can only be found in products of plant and animal origin; the bright color of the yolk in factory eggs is achieved thanks to a special additive that is mixed into bird food.
Photo by depositphotos, depositphotos
via en.depositphotos.com/search/yellow.html?qview=6980259&utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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