6 detective problems that can solve only the smartest

Deductive method can be useful not only detectives. Thanks to him, we make the right decisions, develop observation and systematic thinking.
Website He offers to train on interesting detective tasks and raise his deductive abilities to a new level.

Three criminals planned to escape from prison. To get out, they stood on each other’s shoulders, but the one who was at the top, not enough inches to reach the window. What do they have to do to escape?
Answer. The tallest one has to climb up. He has the longest arms and can reach the window.

Which bullet hole was made first?
Answer. Second, as cracks from holes 1 and 3 stop on cracks from hole 2.

Half an hour ago, one of the neighbors committed the theft, but everyone claims they were home at the time. Which one is lying?
Answer. The man who lives in the house on the left. Under the purple and green cars are dry, and under the red - no, so its owner has just arrived home.

10 minutes ago, someone stole money from a cafe. Everyone claims they haven't been to the cafe in the last 10 minutes, but it's known the thief is among them. Who's lying?
Answer. A thief is a man with ice cream. If he had bought ice cream more than 10 minutes ago, it would have melted by now.

When will the bomb go off?
Answer. The bomb will not explode because the wires coming from it are not connected to the clock.

Find the criminal who hid among the guests of the costume party.
Answer. The perpetrator is on the right. He's the only person who hasn't prepared for the party and hastily put on what came in hand.
Illustrator Leonid Khan specifically Website
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