15 revelations about adulthood that fit in 5 words
Eighty eight million nine hundred twenty two thousand eight hundred three
Adulthood can be a trying time for all who have recently watched morning cartoons and playing with friends in the yard. To share experiences about the unexpected difficulties, Twitter users tell their stories of the 5 words under the hashtag #AdultingIn5Words ("adult life in 5 words").
The editors of the Website the whole lunchtime to exchange their options.
And how would you describe life in 5 words? Share options in the comments.
Photo previews on twitter/QueenLesli
via twitter.com/QueenLesli/status/877677787892658178?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linksdump.com%2Ftwitterlive%2FAdultingIn5Words.htm
Adulthood can be a trying time for all who have recently watched morning cartoons and playing with friends in the yard. To share experiences about the unexpected difficulties, Twitter users tell their stories of the 5 words under the hashtag #AdultingIn5Words ("adult life in 5 words").
The editors of the Website the whole lunchtime to exchange their options.
And how would you describe life in 5 words? Share options in the comments.
Photo previews on twitter/QueenLesli
via twitter.com/QueenLesli/status/877677787892658178?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linksdump.com%2Ftwitterlive%2FAdultingIn5Words.htm
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