7 mistakes in care that may harm the health
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The rules of hygiene and self-care is not so difficult, but sometimes we still do something wrong. These oversights can cost us not only beauty but also health.
The website will tell you about 7 common mistakes in self-care and ways to avoid them.
Cover mouth with hand when coughing, sneezing
Covering mouth while coughing or sneezing hand, we help the microbes inside get on the skin. The result — rashes, redness and other "charms". It is especially dangerous to do with infection, because, rubbing his eyes with one hand, can provoke inflammation of the eye, for example.
Nail plate consists of scales stacked like shingles. When using the shear structure of the nail is deformed, because of which he begins to stratify and becomes brittle.
At the tip of the cosmetic pencil, especially of the liner with a brush, are bacteria that, once internal century on the mucosa, can cause infection. Paint, mingling with her tears, creates favourable conditions for its occurrence.
Fingers are microbes that, once on the nasal mucosa, can cause inflammation. Especially dangerous is blocked nose because the infection from the nasal cavity can spread into the sinuses and cause sinusitis.
On the skin there are beneficial bacteria that protect against infections and help maintain a natural moisture level. Daily use of detergents destroys this barrier and the body becomes more vulnerable to different diseases, and skin is more dry, which can lead to eczema.
The excess toothpaste on the brush causes the bristles much slip on the surface of the teeth, causing the quality of cleaning is greatly reduced.
Hair have a dense texture due to the silicones and other components, whose goal is to give the hair Shine and smoothness. When applying excessive amounts of the balm is quickly contaminated. If the tool gets to the scalp, clogged pores, which leads to increased fat, poor hair growth.
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The rules of hygiene and self-care is not so difficult, but sometimes we still do something wrong. These oversights can cost us not only beauty but also health.
The website will tell you about 7 common mistakes in self-care and ways to avoid them.
Cover mouth with hand when coughing, sneezing

Covering mouth while coughing or sneezing hand, we help the microbes inside get on the skin. The result — rashes, redness and other "charms". It is especially dangerous to do with infection, because, rubbing his eyes with one hand, can provoke inflammation of the eye, for example.
- How to do it right: Cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing have a handkerchief, preferably a disposable paper. If his hand were not available, cover your mouth with the bend of the elbow.

Nail plate consists of scales stacked like shingles. When using the shear structure of the nail is deformed, because of which he begins to stratify and becomes brittle.
- How to do it right: If you need to remove a greater length of the nail — use pliers, which make a clean cut, then give the desired shape with nail file. In other cases, simply podpilivaya nails to the desired length.

At the tip of the cosmetic pencil, especially of the liner with a brush, are bacteria that, once internal century on the mucosa, can cause infection. Paint, mingling with her tears, creates favourable conditions for its occurrence.
- How to do it right: If it is necessary to focus on the lower eyelid, it is better to use drop shadows: apply them, stepping back a little from the lash line.

Fingers are microbes that, once on the nasal mucosa, can cause inflammation. Especially dangerous is blocked nose because the infection from the nasal cavity can spread into the sinuses and cause sinusitis.
- How to do it right: the Nose should be washed out in the morning, alternately pulling the right and left nostrils water from the palm of your hand. Even better for this use a special device.

On the skin there are beneficial bacteria that protect against infections and help maintain a natural moisture level. Daily use of detergents destroys this barrier and the body becomes more vulnerable to different diseases, and skin is more dry, which can lead to eczema.
- How to do it right: Daily water treatments with the application of detergents (except the palms) are required only for the lower body and the underarm area. To use the shower gel is enough through the day.

The excess toothpaste on the brush causes the bristles much slip on the surface of the teeth, causing the quality of cleaning is greatly reduced.
- How to do it right: the recommended amount of toothpaste for adults — ball the size of a pea for children — about the size of a grain of rice.

Hair have a dense texture due to the silicones and other components, whose goal is to give the hair Shine and smoothness. When applying excessive amounts of the balm is quickly contaminated. If the tool gets to the scalp, clogged pores, which leads to increased fat, poor hair growth.
- How to do it right: the Optimal amount of balm — a drop about the size of nickels. Apply the product only on dry split ends.
via EN.depositphotos.com?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=EN-brand
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