10 movies about the true meaning of which you had no idea
Twenty eight million six hundred ninety eight thousand eight hundred nine
Sometimes the viewer doesn't understand why a perfectly ordinary film produces such a deep impression. But the fact is that quality cinema was initially based on the philosophy that operates on the subconscious, but not visible without detailed analysis.
The website was dismantled 10 famous paintings — try to revise them, understanding the hidden meaning.
Mad Max: fury Road
A spectacular action game, many viewers do not see the idea of the film. From the point of view of the psychology of all the characters in the film are a reflection of parts of our personality (see figure): they escape the reflection of our fears, the green land of our dreams, the journey of personal transformation. That is why after watching the viewer feels a new strength and relief from the emotional grip.
Schindler's List
The girl in the red coat in "Schindler's List" is a reflection of the main idea of the film. Himself Steven Spielberg commented: "both the US and the USSR, and Britain knew about the Holocaust. But nobody did anything. We have not spent any resources to stop this ruthless deadly March. It was a huge red spot that has seen it, but nobody did anything".
The attentive viewer will notice that the film has two main colors: blue (the symbol of eternity, heaven) and sand (symbol of earth and time). The characters change clothes depending on the perception of these two characters. The film itself is built on a mythological structure: the paradisiacal state, the people struggle with the chaos, salvation. Only heroes here are ordinary people. Therefore, the film works on the audience.
Shutter island
The Director from the very beginning makes it clear that the main character was a crazy patient: look at the shackles in the cabin, detective, tense face of the police, not a serious questioning of nurses, the awkwardness of miss Cairns (they're all playing, pretending). And in the end the hero realizes the truth, but pretends to be insane, because it cannot survive the pain of reality, preferring a lobotomy.
Mr. Nobody
"Everything could be different, but have the same meaning", says Nemo, because the meaning of any thing remains the same no matter how you change the thing itself. And Nemo is the only one that can concentrate on the point of no return and to see all the options your changes. Seeing that all variants of life with her mother based only on emotions, and with him in mind, he prefers third — individual choice (the symbol of human maturation).
Black Swan
Many believe that "Black Swan" is a film about schizophrenia, about the light Nina and her second personality of Lily (Lilith — "night, dark" in Hebrew). Actually, this is a film about art as a phenomenon. Art has always 2 sides — constructive and destructive, and true perfection is born only in the unity of these two principles that metaphorically depicted in the film.
Neon demon
This film is impossible to perceive without analysis. The neon demon is the dark side of any desired object. The main character is a metaphor of special beauty. In the finale one of the characters "eat" this beauty, why she is special. It is worth noting also constantly emerging, the image of the triangle — the Holy Trinity. That is the world of fashion and beauty — it's a new Church, and the show is a sacred service.
The walking dead
Have you ever wondered why a show about zombies from season to season keeps the attention and love of the audience? Yes, because there are not only zombie games, but also examples of different forms of government: from the slave system to democracy. Thus, with each season, the viewer develops the attitude towards a particular type of society.
The last 20 seconds of "split" to break the pattern, making reference to the movie "unbreakable" — we are now not just a movie, and "origin." The origin is the history of the formation of superheroes from comic books. It turns out, the hero is not just the person with the disorder, and superhero (whose history is intertwined with the "Invulnerable"). Plus it's a taunt directed by night Shyamalan over the Marvel universe — thus he showed that his universe of superheroes earlier.
Fight club
There is absolutely a crazy but brilliant theory that Marla is also a person of the Narrator. Mind you, Marla and Tyler are very similar: they both smoke constantly, wear the same clothes, rings and even hair styles. And with the Narrator and Marla are similar: they have the same problem, both live in hotels, at the same time a change of clothes, go to the same courses and many more matches. She is the female hero that tries to suppress masculine Tyler. Review the film again with this idea. Its not even a car notice, dammit!
via #image1127815
Sometimes the viewer doesn't understand why a perfectly ordinary film produces such a deep impression. But the fact is that quality cinema was initially based on the philosophy that operates on the subconscious, but not visible without detailed analysis.
The website was dismantled 10 famous paintings — try to revise them, understanding the hidden meaning.
Mad Max: fury Road
A spectacular action game, many viewers do not see the idea of the film. From the point of view of the psychology of all the characters in the film are a reflection of parts of our personality (see figure): they escape the reflection of our fears, the green land of our dreams, the journey of personal transformation. That is why after watching the viewer feels a new strength and relief from the emotional grip.
Schindler's List
The girl in the red coat in "Schindler's List" is a reflection of the main idea of the film. Himself Steven Spielberg commented: "both the US and the USSR, and Britain knew about the Holocaust. But nobody did anything. We have not spent any resources to stop this ruthless deadly March. It was a huge red spot that has seen it, but nobody did anything".
The attentive viewer will notice that the film has two main colors: blue (the symbol of eternity, heaven) and sand (symbol of earth and time). The characters change clothes depending on the perception of these two characters. The film itself is built on a mythological structure: the paradisiacal state, the people struggle with the chaos, salvation. Only heroes here are ordinary people. Therefore, the film works on the audience.
Shutter island
The Director from the very beginning makes it clear that the main character was a crazy patient: look at the shackles in the cabin, detective, tense face of the police, not a serious questioning of nurses, the awkwardness of miss Cairns (they're all playing, pretending). And in the end the hero realizes the truth, but pretends to be insane, because it cannot survive the pain of reality, preferring a lobotomy.
Mr. Nobody
"Everything could be different, but have the same meaning", says Nemo, because the meaning of any thing remains the same no matter how you change the thing itself. And Nemo is the only one that can concentrate on the point of no return and to see all the options your changes. Seeing that all variants of life with her mother based only on emotions, and with him in mind, he prefers third — individual choice (the symbol of human maturation).
Black Swan
Many believe that "Black Swan" is a film about schizophrenia, about the light Nina and her second personality of Lily (Lilith — "night, dark" in Hebrew). Actually, this is a film about art as a phenomenon. Art has always 2 sides — constructive and destructive, and true perfection is born only in the unity of these two principles that metaphorically depicted in the film.
Neon demon
This film is impossible to perceive without analysis. The neon demon is the dark side of any desired object. The main character is a metaphor of special beauty. In the finale one of the characters "eat" this beauty, why she is special. It is worth noting also constantly emerging, the image of the triangle — the Holy Trinity. That is the world of fashion and beauty — it's a new Church, and the show is a sacred service.
The walking dead
Have you ever wondered why a show about zombies from season to season keeps the attention and love of the audience? Yes, because there are not only zombie games, but also examples of different forms of government: from the slave system to democracy. Thus, with each season, the viewer develops the attitude towards a particular type of society.
The last 20 seconds of "split" to break the pattern, making reference to the movie "unbreakable" — we are now not just a movie, and "origin." The origin is the history of the formation of superheroes from comic books. It turns out, the hero is not just the person with the disorder, and superhero (whose history is intertwined with the "Invulnerable"). Plus it's a taunt directed by night Shyamalan over the Marvel universe — thus he showed that his universe of superheroes earlier.
Fight club
There is absolutely a crazy but brilliant theory that Marla is also a person of the Narrator. Mind you, Marla and Tyler are very similar: they both smoke constantly, wear the same clothes, rings and even hair styles. And with the Narrator and Marla are similar: they have the same problem, both live in hotels, at the same time a change of clothes, go to the same courses and many more matches. She is the female hero that tries to suppress masculine Tyler. Review the film again with this idea. Its not even a car notice, dammit!
via #image1127815
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