How to choose a good travel Agency

Love to relax, if not all, many people. Due to high competition in the tourism sector to choose the appropriate option I can afford almost everyone. There is quite a budget direction, and mistakenly believe that the cheapest routes are to domestic tourism.
In virtually every medium and large city there are companies that offer tours for every taste and budget. If you are interested in travel Agency in Belgorod, for ease of search and selection they are collected in the directory. Posted on the website only those that are officially, have all the permits, provided full contact information including phone number and address, description of the activity.
How to choose a travel Agency and not sibirischen, a good sign is considered to be long-lasting existence of the company. If to speak about the competence of the staff, it is expressed even in seemingly small things. They should describe:
- The main features of the hotel where you will stay: catering, being on the first or second line, the distance from the center, the presence of a Spa program that features food, live entertainment, a sauna, pool and so on.
- The airline, which makes flights to the destination, ticket price, travel time, number of transfers.
- Rooms. In particular, your room: complete bathroom, square footage, presence of home appliances and seats for adults, children, and so on.
At hand needs to be brochures and catalogs that are provided to the client. And a good sign will be the presence of brochures in each country and a popular resort, not General information about the rest. Well, if the consultants have, where possible in the presence of the customer to quickly find the requested information.
What to look for when wybielania the journey is impossible without insurance. Buy it better, although some travelers buy on arrival at the site. And of course, even if you haven't made a decision on cooperation, the consultant should provide a sample contract to review.
It is possible to organize not a standard tour, as an individual, that is designed specifically to your requirements, but this should also be reflected in the contract. It reflects the information on dates of arrival, departure, departure, hotel name, location, room description, number of days and nights, ways of payment and liability for failure to comply with the clauses of the contract.