12 problems that can tell the color of the language
Eighty nine million four hundred forty one thousand one hundred sixty one
Language can tell a lot about the state of our body. There is a whole
the direction of diagnosing the health of language: its form, size,
texture, uniform color.
Site publishes the most simple and obvious way, which will help to identify health problems, of colour language.
To explore the language better in the morning, before brushing your teeth in natural light. And no need to strain your language: this changes the picture. Bloom color can change under the influence of food, beverages, drugs or Smoking. Therefore, to obtain a faithful picture of the inspect language after an hour or more after any exposure.
Color language
Ninety eight million five hundred fifty five thousand eight hundred ninety five
Eighty two million three hundred ninety three thousand three hundred fifty nine
Ninety one million two hundred eighty one thousand three hundred eighty eight
Forty two million nine hundred forty four thousand one hundred ninety nine
Thirty five million two hundred sixty two thousand four hundred twelve
Twenty seven million four hundred eighty one thousand twenty
Seventy five million four hundred forty five thousand two hundred twenty nine
Forty six million three hundred two thousand five hundred one
Bloom color bloom Color may differ from color of language. A thin white coating that is easily removed with the brush, is the norm. The thickness of the plaque is proportional to the degree of problems to which it points.
Ninety six million six hundred eighteen thousand two hundred eleven
Thirty seven million twenty five thousand eight hundred fifty nine
Eighty million two hundred seventy three thousand seven hundred twenty two
Thirty eight million three hundred forty nine thousand two hundred seventy two
Remember that the visual method of diagnosis is not always 100%-th result. Language can be injured by aggressive food, the wound can get contaminated with bacteria and cause a temporary irritation — all this is not an indication of internal diseases.
If you are concerned about the color of your tongue — do not rush to self-medicate because the disease may be far-fetched. See a specialist. Only he can make a final diagnosis.
See also
9 things that the language is trying to tell us about our health
One simple way to test your health in 1 minute
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/odin-prostoj-sposob-proverit-svoe-zdorove-za-1-minutu-1501815/
Language can tell a lot about the state of our body. There is a whole
the direction of diagnosing the health of language: its form, size,
texture, uniform color.
Site publishes the most simple and obvious way, which will help to identify health problems, of colour language.
To explore the language better in the morning, before brushing your teeth in natural light. And no need to strain your language: this changes the picture. Bloom color can change under the influence of food, beverages, drugs or Smoking. Therefore, to obtain a faithful picture of the inspect language after an hour or more after any exposure.
Color language
Ninety eight million five hundred fifty five thousand eight hundred ninety five
Eighty two million three hundred ninety three thousand three hundred fifty nine
Ninety one million two hundred eighty one thousand three hundred eighty eight
Forty two million nine hundred forty four thousand one hundred ninety nine
Thirty five million two hundred sixty two thousand four hundred twelve
Twenty seven million four hundred eighty one thousand twenty
Seventy five million four hundred forty five thousand two hundred twenty nine
Forty six million three hundred two thousand five hundred one
Bloom color bloom Color may differ from color of language. A thin white coating that is easily removed with the brush, is the norm. The thickness of the plaque is proportional to the degree of problems to which it points.
Ninety six million six hundred eighteen thousand two hundred eleven
Thirty seven million twenty five thousand eight hundred fifty nine
Eighty million two hundred seventy three thousand seven hundred twenty two
Thirty eight million three hundred forty nine thousand two hundred seventy two
Remember that the visual method of diagnosis is not always 100%-th result. Language can be injured by aggressive food, the wound can get contaminated with bacteria and cause a temporary irritation — all this is not an indication of internal diseases.
If you are concerned about the color of your tongue — do not rush to self-medicate because the disease may be far-fetched. See a specialist. Only he can make a final diagnosis.
See also
9 things that the language is trying to tell us about our health
One simple way to test your health in 1 minute
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/odin-prostoj-sposob-proverit-svoe-zdorove-za-1-minutu-1501815/