The 12 heroes of the adaptations that are markedly different from the book version
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Recently the film adaptation of literary works are becoming increasingly popular. However, in an effort to Express their vision of the great works Directors often change the plot line of novels and short stories, and sometimes make significant changes to the exterior of the main characters.
Website learned how would look the characters of the famous books on the screen if fully consistent with the description in the original source.
Frodo Baggins
According to Gandalf, in the book "Lord of the rings" Frodo is a sturdy, rosy-cheeked hobbit, the other taller, with blond hair, cleft chin and clear eyes..
Natasha Rostova
On the pages of the novel "War and peace" the main character is described as a dark-eyed, with a big mouth and black curls.
Alexey Vronsky
Blond Vronsky from the Hollywood film adaptation of "Anna Karenina" in the pages of the novel, tightly folded dark hair. His hair his hair was cut short.
Dorian Gray
Forever young and handsome Dorian gray in the book has an angelic appearance: dark Golden hair, blue eyes, red lips.
Randle Patrick McMurphy
In the novel, "Over the cuckoo's nest" McMurphy — red, with long red whiskers and disheveled, long-haired curls. Across his nose and one cheekbone he had a scar.
On the appearance of the protagonist of Wuthering heights is known a little: dark-skinned, strong similarity to Gypsy, resembling the "Hindu son of a sailor or thrown overboard a little American or Spaniard."
Jane Eyre
Jane was the owner of brown hair and green eyes, was extremely pale and looked just like a little elf.
Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding
In the story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank salvation" red was an Irishman. Red hair with streaks of gray, light skin, and perhaps, like the typical members of this type, freckles and blue eyes.
Harry Potter
Throughout the books it is mentioned that Harry inherited from my mother beautiful green eyes.
Dolores Umbridge
One of the main enemies of Harry Potter, Professor Umbridge in the book resembled a large pale toad. The head always wore a little black bow, like a fly. Her face is wide and loose, the neck is short and the eyes are large, round and slightly bulging, the mouth is huge, and the hair curly and cut short.
Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock has a thin aquiline nose and a square, slightly protruding chin.
After reading "the Master and Margarita" by Messer Woland, the audience expected to see in a very different way: clean-shaven brunette of about forty with a curved mouth, his right eye black and his left is green. Both eyebrows black, but one of them is higher.
Photo preview New Line Cinema
See also
Here's how it really should look like the characters of "Game of thrones"
View look like the stars of the "Harry Potter" 16 years later
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/garri-potter-14-let-spustya-1119310/
Recently the film adaptation of literary works are becoming increasingly popular. However, in an effort to Express their vision of the great works Directors often change the plot line of novels and short stories, and sometimes make significant changes to the exterior of the main characters.
Website learned how would look the characters of the famous books on the screen if fully consistent with the description in the original source.
Frodo Baggins

According to Gandalf, in the book "Lord of the rings" Frodo is a sturdy, rosy-cheeked hobbit, the other taller, with blond hair, cleft chin and clear eyes..
Natasha Rostova

On the pages of the novel "War and peace" the main character is described as a dark-eyed, with a big mouth and black curls.
Alexey Vronsky

Blond Vronsky from the Hollywood film adaptation of "Anna Karenina" in the pages of the novel, tightly folded dark hair. His hair his hair was cut short.
Dorian Gray

Forever young and handsome Dorian gray in the book has an angelic appearance: dark Golden hair, blue eyes, red lips.
Randle Patrick McMurphy

In the novel, "Over the cuckoo's nest" McMurphy — red, with long red whiskers and disheveled, long-haired curls. Across his nose and one cheekbone he had a scar.

On the appearance of the protagonist of Wuthering heights is known a little: dark-skinned, strong similarity to Gypsy, resembling the "Hindu son of a sailor or thrown overboard a little American or Spaniard."
Jane Eyre

Jane was the owner of brown hair and green eyes, was extremely pale and looked just like a little elf.
Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding

In the story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank salvation" red was an Irishman. Red hair with streaks of gray, light skin, and perhaps, like the typical members of this type, freckles and blue eyes.
Harry Potter

Throughout the books it is mentioned that Harry inherited from my mother beautiful green eyes.
Dolores Umbridge

One of the main enemies of Harry Potter, Professor Umbridge in the book resembled a large pale toad. The head always wore a little black bow, like a fly. Her face is wide and loose, the neck is short and the eyes are large, round and slightly bulging, the mouth is huge, and the hair curly and cut short.
Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock has a thin aquiline nose and a square, slightly protruding chin.

After reading "the Master and Margarita" by Messer Woland, the audience expected to see in a very different way: clean-shaven brunette of about forty with a curved mouth, his right eye black and his left is green. Both eyebrows black, but one of them is higher.
Photo preview New Line Cinema
See also
Here's how it really should look like the characters of "Game of thrones"
View look like the stars of the "Harry Potter" 16 years later
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/garri-potter-14-let-spustya-1119310/
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