As my brother and the train was stopped
Eleven million five hundred ninety six thousand four hundred ninety five
We went with my cousin to rest on the sea. I do not remember why, but on the day of departure we were seriously late. Running breathless to the platform and see the train slowly starts to depart.
In a panic, we even number of cars didn't look, just start frantically throw bags to the nearest door. The conductor did not panic and took our belongings to throw back. In such a rush couldn't make out what it is we are trying to explain. Brother her something screamed and tickets right in the face and poked.
Only when the hum a little verse of the poor conductor could answer:
— Yes, I understand that you got the tickets! But let you train though to stop!
via factroom.ru
We went with my cousin to rest on the sea. I do not remember why, but on the day of departure we were seriously late. Running breathless to the platform and see the train slowly starts to depart.
In a panic, we even number of cars didn't look, just start frantically throw bags to the nearest door. The conductor did not panic and took our belongings to throw back. In such a rush couldn't make out what it is we are trying to explain. Brother her something screamed and tickets right in the face and poked.
Only when the hum a little verse of the poor conductor could answer:
— Yes, I understand that you got the tickets! But let you train though to stop!
via factroom.ru
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