14 habits of people you love all around
There are people who have a natural charisma and love to all without exception. And others have to exert a lot of effort to get attention.
Fifty five million seven hundred sixty thousand three hundred forty seven
The Great Gatsby TrailerSite tells the reader about some of the habits, pick up which you will be able to appeal to anyone in a matter of minutes. They described in one of his essays, the famous writer Napoleon hill.
1. It is important to create a positive attitude and share it with others. Cynical and pessimistic people will never get respect in society. And the owners of good mood and positive thinking are always the center of attention.
2. Is to listen carefully to his interlocutor. Manner of speaking instructive tone and reject the views of the parties lead to anything good. So in a dispute it is important to try to take the opponent side and try to understand his thoughts.
3. Need to talk respectfully and friendly. If to Express their thoughts on any issue in a calm tone, the chance to love increases.
4. You need to be cautious. Excessive positive or negative emotional response creates a bad impression. Sometimes simple silence in response to the sharp attack can tell you about more than a statement of criticism.
5. Should be open and unbiased. If you are closed to something new and communicate only with like-minded, then you are missing out on a great chance for your personal development and professional growth.
6. Be always calm. The ability to Express their thoughts in a theme, without raising his voice — an important quality if you want to please the interlocutor.
7. Try to smile while talking. An open and genuine smile attracts attention much better than a forced grimace.
8. Do not hesitate. If you do not hurry with the decision, you show that you are indecisive and afraid to act right here and now. Of course, you should not rush to a whirlpool with a head, but also to delay the important issues is also not necessary.
9. Not to voice all their thoughts. It is very easy to offend people, if you give him what you think about it. It is better to keep some thoughts to yourself.
10. Do a good deed every day. If you begin to help others without expecting any reward for it, you will show your best side.
11. Refer to the companion as if it were the most important person in the world. Listening to the thoughts of the person and taking them into consideration you will show him that you care for him and important.
12. Do not complain about failures. Any mistake being made should serve as a lesson for the future that would never be obtained if you are faced with difficulties.
13. Praise other people. The time expressed excitement about some of the act companion will help you to win him over. Of course, to praise others in need if they deserve it, nobody likes sycophants.
14. Find that person whose opinion about their own shortcomings you will listen. It is important to continuously work on his behavior in society and reputation, and to help you loved one who will point out shortcomings and to suggest how to get rid of them.
via www.businessinsider.com/habits-of-exceptionally-likable-people-2014-5
Fifty five million seven hundred sixty thousand three hundred forty seven
The Great Gatsby TrailerSite tells the reader about some of the habits, pick up which you will be able to appeal to anyone in a matter of minutes. They described in one of his essays, the famous writer Napoleon hill.
1. It is important to create a positive attitude and share it with others. Cynical and pessimistic people will never get respect in society. And the owners of good mood and positive thinking are always the center of attention.
2. Is to listen carefully to his interlocutor. Manner of speaking instructive tone and reject the views of the parties lead to anything good. So in a dispute it is important to try to take the opponent side and try to understand his thoughts.
3. Need to talk respectfully and friendly. If to Express their thoughts on any issue in a calm tone, the chance to love increases.
4. You need to be cautious. Excessive positive or negative emotional response creates a bad impression. Sometimes simple silence in response to the sharp attack can tell you about more than a statement of criticism.
5. Should be open and unbiased. If you are closed to something new and communicate only with like-minded, then you are missing out on a great chance for your personal development and professional growth.
6. Be always calm. The ability to Express their thoughts in a theme, without raising his voice — an important quality if you want to please the interlocutor.
7. Try to smile while talking. An open and genuine smile attracts attention much better than a forced grimace.
8. Do not hesitate. If you do not hurry with the decision, you show that you are indecisive and afraid to act right here and now. Of course, you should not rush to a whirlpool with a head, but also to delay the important issues is also not necessary.
9. Not to voice all their thoughts. It is very easy to offend people, if you give him what you think about it. It is better to keep some thoughts to yourself.
10. Do a good deed every day. If you begin to help others without expecting any reward for it, you will show your best side.
11. Refer to the companion as if it were the most important person in the world. Listening to the thoughts of the person and taking them into consideration you will show him that you care for him and important.
12. Do not complain about failures. Any mistake being made should serve as a lesson for the future that would never be obtained if you are faced with difficulties.
13. Praise other people. The time expressed excitement about some of the act companion will help you to win him over. Of course, to praise others in need if they deserve it, nobody likes sycophants.
14. Find that person whose opinion about their own shortcomings you will listen. It is important to continuously work on his behavior in society and reputation, and to help you loved one who will point out shortcomings and to suggest how to get rid of them.
via www.businessinsider.com/habits-of-exceptionally-likable-people-2014-5