We found 12 more ways to travel cheaper
Thirty four million one hundred eighty five thousand five hundred seventy one
Spring and we are already planning vacations and trips in the future. We are in the Website are sure that everyone who has some experience of independent travel, already familiar with the popular services for hotels and private apartments and know where and how to buy tickets cheaper. And besides, well aware of what is couchsurfing and volunteer programs.
So we picked a lesser known and not so radical ways to save money for those who are not willing to be a volunteer to work the night or search night and day. It's still fun for everybody.
Find friends abroad and visit — Hospitality Club Hospitality Club, or "hospitality Club", the largest international social network a guest. Unlike services for the exchange of flats, it's a whole community with its mission and ideology, which is based — a world without borders and cultural integration. The club members not only give each other bed, but also render all assistance, teaching the language, organize a joint trip. To take money from the guests against the rules, but the parties can split the costs, for example, on food, by mutual agreement.
To Europe for peanuts, "Nesterovskaya" train the So-called "nesterovskoe" train gives you the opportunity to get to Europe for 40-70 % cheaper. The fact that train of Russian Railways No. 029 Moscow —Kaliningrad goes through Vilnius, but the prices of the tickets in it on the domestic and not on international routes, that is low. If you take the ticket to Nesterov and out in Vilnius, not far from Kaliningrad, the trip will cost just 1 600-2 000. And once in Vilnius, you can choose one of the many budget flights to Europe (you can buy tickets in advance) at a price of 10 euros.
How to buy: in Moscow — only in the ticket office of the Belarusian station, in other cities — any box office. Online will be slightly more expensive. And of course, for this trip you need a valid "Schengen".
Discount hotel deals — Hotel Tonight App Hotel Tonight gives you the opportunity to book hotels and hostels at a discount at the last moment before the trip. The service is aimed at spontaneous travelers. The resource shows that discount-offer — book can be no earlier than a week before arrival and a maximum of 5 nights (that is, works on the principle of a last minute trip, and this explains the discount). The closer the date of arrival, the lower the price.
Free tours — Sandemans New Europe Sandemans New Europe offers free walking tours in 18 cities of Europe and the Middle East. Spend their talented volunteer guide. The project promotes a creative approach to the tour. In addition to the history of the city guide to share urban legends, can you recommend a good inexpensive bars and cafés, tell us where the best view. To buy a ticket is not necessary, but if the tour is like, you can tip the tour guide.
Last minute tickets — Last minute Last minute — an online resource that collects hot deals airlines and hotels are valid in the last couple of days before the trip. Search of ticket for tomorrow's morning flight should start from here.
Search free toilets — AirPnP AirPnP is a new app that will help you save more than money and time (and maybe a nerve cell). The service shows the location of nearby toilets — free and paid. Although if you only select free, also a good savings.
Calls from your number at local rates — Roamer With the help of this app can connect to your foreign SIM card your regular number to make and receive calls at the lowest rates. Roamer will allow you to avoid expensive roaming charges, despite the fact that you continue to use your regular number.
Exchange homes and apartments — Home Exchange On service features best describe the Comedy "the Holiday" where people after meeting on the website are on holiday and staying with new friends. The exchange does not always occur at the same time: frequent travelers to visit each other's homes in turn. Now in the service more than 65 thousand homes and apartments in 150 countries. Russian proposals on the website so far, only Moscow and Peter.
Saving on the Internet — Protect Free VPN+Data Manager App Protect Free VPN+Data Manager allows you to compress data of any kind, which helps to significantly save Internet traffic. The principle of operation is as follows: mobile phone is requesting data through the operator providing the connectivity, then data arrives at the application server, where it is compressed, but the quality will not be degraded. The app works over the VPN connection that just allows you to save traffic and, more importantly, safe to use the global network.
Search for travel companions — BeepCar BeepCar will help to find fellow passengers in the car travel. The drivers are placed here for information about the planned trip, and passengers looking for a suitable alternative route and the date and share with the driver the cost of gasoline. Unlike other services (the same BlaBlaCar, for example), BeepCar offers each passenger free travel insurance for the duration of the trip, and is another point of savings. The service has apps and a web version.
Search of tickets for events — Kayak Kayak — an aggregator search engine that collects information about tickets, hotels and car rental from hundreds of other travel sites. The main convenience of the service — the subscription to update the prices. If you are planning travel in advance, you can specify when and where you are going to leave, and Kayak will send on e-mail the regular notice of the change of cost flights in your direction. This greatly increases the chances of getting cheap tickets on the stock.
All Wi-Fi-passwords — Wifi Map the Principle of the application is simple: you see what wireless networks are available nearby, choose you are interested in and the program shows the password. In the app an impressive number of Wi-Fi hotspots in Europe.
More: WiFox — interactive map password airports in the world.
See also
20 sites for budget traveling
65 essential tips for independent travel
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/65-neobhodimejshih-sovetov-dlya-samostoyatelnogo-puteshestviya-1107360/

Spring and we are already planning vacations and trips in the future. We are in the Website are sure that everyone who has some experience of independent travel, already familiar with the popular services for hotels and private apartments and know where and how to buy tickets cheaper. And besides, well aware of what is couchsurfing and volunteer programs.
So we picked a lesser known and not so radical ways to save money for those who are not willing to be a volunteer to work the night or search night and day. It's still fun for everybody.

Find friends abroad and visit — Hospitality Club Hospitality Club, or "hospitality Club", the largest international social network a guest. Unlike services for the exchange of flats, it's a whole community with its mission and ideology, which is based — a world without borders and cultural integration. The club members not only give each other bed, but also render all assistance, teaching the language, organize a joint trip. To take money from the guests against the rules, but the parties can split the costs, for example, on food, by mutual agreement.

To Europe for peanuts, "Nesterovskaya" train the So-called "nesterovskoe" train gives you the opportunity to get to Europe for 40-70 % cheaper. The fact that train of Russian Railways No. 029 Moscow —Kaliningrad goes through Vilnius, but the prices of the tickets in it on the domestic and not on international routes, that is low. If you take the ticket to Nesterov and out in Vilnius, not far from Kaliningrad, the trip will cost just 1 600-2 000. And once in Vilnius, you can choose one of the many budget flights to Europe (you can buy tickets in advance) at a price of 10 euros.
How to buy: in Moscow — only in the ticket office of the Belarusian station, in other cities — any box office. Online will be slightly more expensive. And of course, for this trip you need a valid "Schengen".

Discount hotel deals — Hotel Tonight App Hotel Tonight gives you the opportunity to book hotels and hostels at a discount at the last moment before the trip. The service is aimed at spontaneous travelers. The resource shows that discount-offer — book can be no earlier than a week before arrival and a maximum of 5 nights (that is, works on the principle of a last minute trip, and this explains the discount). The closer the date of arrival, the lower the price.

Free tours — Sandemans New Europe Sandemans New Europe offers free walking tours in 18 cities of Europe and the Middle East. Spend their talented volunteer guide. The project promotes a creative approach to the tour. In addition to the history of the city guide to share urban legends, can you recommend a good inexpensive bars and cafés, tell us where the best view. To buy a ticket is not necessary, but if the tour is like, you can tip the tour guide.

Last minute tickets — Last minute Last minute — an online resource that collects hot deals airlines and hotels are valid in the last couple of days before the trip. Search of ticket for tomorrow's morning flight should start from here.

Search free toilets — AirPnP AirPnP is a new app that will help you save more than money and time (and maybe a nerve cell). The service shows the location of nearby toilets — free and paid. Although if you only select free, also a good savings.

Calls from your number at local rates — Roamer With the help of this app can connect to your foreign SIM card your regular number to make and receive calls at the lowest rates. Roamer will allow you to avoid expensive roaming charges, despite the fact that you continue to use your regular number.

Exchange homes and apartments — Home Exchange On service features best describe the Comedy "the Holiday" where people after meeting on the website are on holiday and staying with new friends. The exchange does not always occur at the same time: frequent travelers to visit each other's homes in turn. Now in the service more than 65 thousand homes and apartments in 150 countries. Russian proposals on the website so far, only Moscow and Peter.

Saving on the Internet — Protect Free VPN+Data Manager App Protect Free VPN+Data Manager allows you to compress data of any kind, which helps to significantly save Internet traffic. The principle of operation is as follows: mobile phone is requesting data through the operator providing the connectivity, then data arrives at the application server, where it is compressed, but the quality will not be degraded. The app works over the VPN connection that just allows you to save traffic and, more importantly, safe to use the global network.

Search for travel companions — BeepCar BeepCar will help to find fellow passengers in the car travel. The drivers are placed here for information about the planned trip, and passengers looking for a suitable alternative route and the date and share with the driver the cost of gasoline. Unlike other services (the same BlaBlaCar, for example), BeepCar offers each passenger free travel insurance for the duration of the trip, and is another point of savings. The service has apps and a web version.

Search of tickets for events — Kayak Kayak — an aggregator search engine that collects information about tickets, hotels and car rental from hundreds of other travel sites. The main convenience of the service — the subscription to update the prices. If you are planning travel in advance, you can specify when and where you are going to leave, and Kayak will send on e-mail the regular notice of the change of cost flights in your direction. This greatly increases the chances of getting cheap tickets on the stock.

All Wi-Fi-passwords — Wifi Map the Principle of the application is simple: you see what wireless networks are available nearby, choose you are interested in and the program shows the password. In the app an impressive number of Wi-Fi hotspots in Europe.
More: WiFox — interactive map password airports in the world.

See also
20 sites for budget traveling
65 essential tips for independent travel
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/65-neobhodimejshih-sovetov-dlya-samostoyatelnogo-puteshestviya-1107360/
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