Quiet pool: a smoldering resentment
What to do with repressed feelings?Remember the adage: still waters run deep? For me it is about withholding, not expressed feelings. Calm and seemingly peaceful man suddenly explodes with rage, abruptly leaves work or breaks the relationship. Dissolved connection with the special people in my life or career because the person suffered for a long time and one day something was the last straw. He just could not resist. Such a situation could have been avoided, if to be able to feel their borders and to present them to others.
How to determine what kept the "bad" feelings?
There are internal restrictions on the experience and expression of feelings. That is, there are beliefs, how you feel and behave. For example: "I'm never angry, only weaklings sit and feel sad, you need to be patient and everything will work out." When emotions pile up, not understood and not expressed, is "explosion". Then sometimes a random person gets a reaction for everything that had accumulated. In the state of reaction of emotions impossible to have a constructive dialogue. If the splash happens, it's important to first calm down and think about what you want to say and when you're ready to listen.
Emotions accumulate, the man was unpleasant, painful, sad, scary, he was pissed. In that moment, when he felt discomfort, something happened. Somehow people have managed with their feelings. And began to feel that they are not.
Probably that he is not able to recognize, feelings, emotions, sensations. If not this skill, then, consciousness can reach only very strong emotions, and the weak are not taken and accumulated. This mechanism is acquired in childhood with a certain upbringing or heavy events.
Ideally, it is important emotions to live: to feel pain, parentnode, sad, angry. To recognize and remove to sing on feeling and expression is best with a therapist. Some of the mechanisms you yourself don't notice because they have become habitual.
The study itself will be painful place, in passing which the support is important and helpful part of the other person.Suppression of emotions is a coping mechanism that had helped to survive. This way of dealing with difficulties will stay with you, but you can learn how you have use, what you want to learn.
Psychotherapy not only improves the sensitivity, but any attention to your body-physical activity, to be smeared with creams, massage and meditation. You can start with in order to keep track of are you sitting comfortably tired if you want I eat and what I want activity, chatting or alone.Ask yourself. published
Author: Maria Malysheva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: gestaltclub.com/articles/obsaa-psihologia/8675-zataennaa-obida

How to determine what kept the "bad" feelings?
- Tension in the body. Sore back muscles on it hard. Often jaw clenching. Often a headache.
- Sudden fast heartbeat, tachycardia. Panic attacks.
- The surrounding seemed angry, surly and thoughts they have about you is not good.
- Annoying actions of the partner, but do you think that this is minor and not worth talking about them.
- If your parents are emotionally closed and worry all in itself, it is likely that you learned from childhood to do with feelings.
- Sleep disorders. Difficult to fall asleep or Wake up earlier than usual.
There are internal restrictions on the experience and expression of feelings. That is, there are beliefs, how you feel and behave. For example: "I'm never angry, only weaklings sit and feel sad, you need to be patient and everything will work out." When emotions pile up, not understood and not expressed, is "explosion". Then sometimes a random person gets a reaction for everything that had accumulated. In the state of reaction of emotions impossible to have a constructive dialogue. If the splash happens, it's important to first calm down and think about what you want to say and when you're ready to listen.
Emotions accumulate, the man was unpleasant, painful, sad, scary, he was pissed. In that moment, when he felt discomfort, something happened. Somehow people have managed with their feelings. And began to feel that they are not.
Probably that he is not able to recognize, feelings, emotions, sensations. If not this skill, then, consciousness can reach only very strong emotions, and the weak are not taken and accumulated. This mechanism is acquired in childhood with a certain upbringing or heavy events.

Ideally, it is important emotions to live: to feel pain, parentnode, sad, angry. To recognize and remove to sing on feeling and expression is best with a therapist. Some of the mechanisms you yourself don't notice because they have become habitual.
The study itself will be painful place, in passing which the support is important and helpful part of the other person.Suppression of emotions is a coping mechanism that had helped to survive. This way of dealing with difficulties will stay with you, but you can learn how you have use, what you want to learn.
Psychotherapy not only improves the sensitivity, but any attention to your body-physical activity, to be smeared with creams, massage and meditation. You can start with in order to keep track of are you sitting comfortably tired if you want I eat and what I want activity, chatting or alone.Ask yourself. published
Author: Maria Malysheva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: gestaltclub.com/articles/obsaa-psihologia/8675-zataennaa-obida