When I learned about the wonderful properties of this product, immediately return it into your diet!
Lately, butter has lost its position among food products. They say it is very much cholesterol, it hurts the figure, and so on. But it's worth noting that this product is one of the most respected among the inhabitants of Tibet, and you probably know about their good health and longevity.
Thirty five million eight hundred forty four thousand eight hundred twenty eight
Actually, use butter for your body very large. But very often unscrupulous manufacturers add vegetable oils or even give him regular margarine, thus creating this product a bad name. Edition «Site» will tell you what to look for when buying butter and what are its benefits.
The quality of masectomy butter oil serve your health benefit, it must be of high quality. Today, manufacturers have learned to make products of very low quality raw materials, animal fats, replace vegetable and even butter is no exception. So, before you talk about the benefits of a natural product, need to know how to choose.
Twenty one million six hundred fifty two thousand nine hundred eighty four
How to choose a quality butter
At home you can conduct an experiment. Put a piece of butter in hot water. A quality product will dissolve homogeneous puddle, and the forgery would be melted lumps.
We provide your attention a few good reasons to make butter in your diet, if you refused it earlier.
The beneficial properties of butter
Now you know how useful it is to eat butter and how to choose a quality product. Give the devil his due place in your diet — the body will be satisfied. Share useful information with your friends in social networks!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
Thirty five million eight hundred forty four thousand eight hundred twenty eight
Actually, use butter for your body very large. But very often unscrupulous manufacturers add vegetable oils or even give him regular margarine, thus creating this product a bad name. Edition «Site» will tell you what to look for when buying butter and what are its benefits.
The quality of masectomy butter oil serve your health benefit, it must be of high quality. Today, manufacturers have learned to make products of very low quality raw materials, animal fats, replace vegetable and even butter is no exception. So, before you talk about the benefits of a natural product, need to know how to choose.
Twenty one million six hundred fifty two thousand nine hundred eighty four
How to choose a quality butter
- Find out what GOST butter in your country, and some margarine. If you see the butter from the margarine, then put this product aside. Also don't buy oil and oil-product.
- To store the oil store is at a temperature of not higher than 6 degrees. The storage period should not exceed 30-35 days. If it is longer, the product contains special additives.
Seventy six million nine hundred seventy seven thousand one hundred nineteen - Give preference to the oil in a package of foil, instead of paper. Light butter yellow, losing vitamin A. Pack of foil interferes with this process.
- Buying loose butter on the market, feel free to try it out. It should quickly melt in your mouth and not stick to the teeth, as it does margarine. Also pay attention to the cut: it needs to be dry, dense, shiny and without stratification.
- The oil should have a light yellowish hue, while in winter natural butter lighter and summer darker. This is due to the quality of the grass which animals eat. But it should not be white or yellow.
- Natural oil is easy on the greasy bread. If it crumbles, then it's a lot of water.
Forty three million four hundred seventy four thousand six hundred thirty
At home you can conduct an experiment. Put a piece of butter in hot water. A quality product will dissolve homogeneous puddle, and the forgery would be melted lumps.
We provide your attention a few good reasons to make butter in your diet, if you refused it earlier.
The beneficial properties of butter
- Butter is the most easily absorbed source of vitamin A, necessary for the maintenance of adrenal and thyroid.
- The use of butter does not lead to excess weight. In its composition of fatty acid, which is used by the body for energy, not body fat. After the use of oil there is a feeling of satiety. The feeling of hunger is reduced and that means you won't overeat.
Eighty seven million four hundred eighty three thousand eight hundred seventy eight
© DepositPhotos - Butter is a wonderful source of iodine, lack of which can cause goiter.
- Butter improves the digestive tract. It reduces the incidence of diarrhea in children and constipation in adults.
- People who eat butter are less prone to heart attack.
Sixteen million six hundred ninety two thousand seven hundred twenty eight - Fatty acids of butter to facilitate the absorption of these essential vitamins like A, E, D, K Even suggest to cook in butter, not vegetable. So it does not burn, you need to add a little olive oil.
- Butter is rich in antioxidants. They reduce the chance of developing cancer and atherosclerosis.
Twenty five million seven hundred fifty five thousand eight hundred ninety nine
Now you know how useful it is to eat butter and how to choose a quality product. Give the devil his due place in your diet — the body will be satisfied. Share useful information with your friends in social networks!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
Mother-in-law added to the pan with the dumplings a bit of cold water... Now I do!
A Frank admission, the chef of hotel system "all inclusive". Finally, the truth!