7 habits that may one day save your life
According to statistics, we live in the most peaceful time in the history of mankind. But we should not lose vigilance — the world remains a dangerous place.
The website has gathered for you the 7 simple habits that will increase your level of safety.
1. Keys, money, charged phone
You should get in the habit of checking pockets before leaving the house. Keys, cash and a loaded phone — that should always be at hand. You can forget anything but these 3 things should not be forgotten.
Why is it important? In case of danger you should always be able to call for help and return home. A mobile phone can save life not only to you but to other people: after witnessing an emergency, you'll be able to contact rescue services. Don't forget to charge your phone before leaving home or work.
2. Apologize if you are faced with someone
It's a good habit. Apologies are needed not only for the sake of politeness. Even if you are sure that it's not your fault in the face, stop for a moment, apologize and keep going.
Why is it important? You have no idea who I ran into on the street. The person you hurt, can carry weapons, can be drunk or use drugs. He can be very angry or upset. A simple apology will help you to avoid serious danger.
3. Always find at least 3 output
Wherever you went — to a concert, train station, supermarket, bookstore, school, office, the airport — as soon as you come to the place, find the 3rd exit. Sometimes it will be easy, then remember which exit is closest to you. Sometimes it will be harder and you will find only one door. Keep looking until you find at least 3 ways to leave the premises. Even if the door is only one, there are certainly other ways to get out of the building, such as large low window.
Why is it important? If something bad happens, it will be too late to look for exits. But if you find and memorize them in advance, you can start to move towards him almost on autopilot.
4. Play "find the bad guy"
This is a fun little game that can, however, protect you from danger. Once in the room, on the street or in public transport, look to others. Who you think is the "bad guy"? You might see a man who looks guilty, angry or scared, closely followed by someone or looks around nervously.
Why is it important? Our intuition is rarely wrong. If anyone around you seems dangerous, probably, it is. Try to be away from him.
5. Once in the plane, count the number of rows to the emergency exit
As soon as you placed on the chair, carefully count the number of rows between your seat and the nearest emergency exit. Remember this figure.
Why is it important? If the plane fills with smoke, back-lighting can be bright enough to guide you. But if you do know that between your place and the emergency exit, for example, 9 rows, you will be able to move, counting the headrest.
6. Train hands
Everyone who at least once tried to catch up, knows that your hands get tired much faster than other muscles. Train muscles of hands daily, gradually increasing the resistance. This can be done with small wrist bands.
Why is it important? In many emergency situations people who managed to get out of the buildings or transport, we have to hang, grabbing a small ledge. Firm grip and prepared the muscles of the hands will hold out as long as necessary.
7. Raise your head and move slowly
Usually, seeing the danger, people reflexively lowered his head and sped up the step. But this is the wrong approach: on the contrary must surely raise the head and to slow down.
Why is it important? When you accelerate, and lower your head, you become prey. Who would you not threaten a dog or a gang of thugs, slow motion, raise your head and look to the side so you can see the danger of peripheral vision.
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
According to the materials of BEN MCEVOY
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