One Soviet engineer married and have come up with a way from the wife's stash to hide
Forty nine million nine hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred thirty three
Surely all men have a stash from his wife. But especially notable was my friend Mike, pereplyunuvshego all part of the conspiracy. When he married, worked as a simple engineer and received only one hundred and twenty rubles. At first, Mike whole salary gave to his beloved wife, but then decided that he needed a small amount on cigarettes and gatherings with friends. And told his Kate the story:
— You know, Katya, I'm in the army when he served, had shattered the tank, and now the military each month deducts twenty rubles, my salary .
Kate, of course, considered that the duty you have to pay, so not very defensive. But Mikhail had a free twenty on their own needs.
Ten years later, they already had two children, money was not enough, the salary of the ordinary engineer is still small. Then Kate and outraged:
— What is it? You have ten years subtracted for twenty rubles from the salary? How many this tank worth it?! Get dressed, went to the draft Board, I'll figure it out.
Misha, of course, it was embarrassing to confess to his wife that he for ten years lied to her, and thought that in fact the military will be able to something out. In a few minutes they were standing in the office of the chief, and Kate enthusiastically screaming at him. He quietly listened to these cries, and then said:
— Female, log out, and your husband will try to resolve this issue.
Kate left, and the Commissar lashed out at Michael:
— Yes, you! How did you dare? You have two small children, and you have your own family steal the money, it turns out? I won myself for submarine only ten rubles pay, and you're behind some kind of tank for twenty!
Misha and sat down where he stood, surprise. And the Commissar continued:
Oh, what I do not understand, or what? Let's here how to do: I'll write you a note and you will now have only ten roubles "to pay", this will last you for cigarettes and get-togethers with friends, I also enough.
That settled the matter. Michael with a sad look and left the room, it immediately rushed Katya:
— Well? What the chief said?
Misha put her hands help.
— Here, look! You make me ten more of the fine prescribed!
via eku.ru/dolzhniki/
Surely all men have a stash from his wife. But especially notable was my friend Mike, pereplyunuvshego all part of the conspiracy. When he married, worked as a simple engineer and received only one hundred and twenty rubles. At first, Mike whole salary gave to his beloved wife, but then decided that he needed a small amount on cigarettes and gatherings with friends. And told his Kate the story:
— You know, Katya, I'm in the army when he served, had shattered the tank, and now the military each month deducts twenty rubles, my salary .
Kate, of course, considered that the duty you have to pay, so not very defensive. But Mikhail had a free twenty on their own needs.
Ten years later, they already had two children, money was not enough, the salary of the ordinary engineer is still small. Then Kate and outraged:
— What is it? You have ten years subtracted for twenty rubles from the salary? How many this tank worth it?! Get dressed, went to the draft Board, I'll figure it out.
Misha, of course, it was embarrassing to confess to his wife that he for ten years lied to her, and thought that in fact the military will be able to something out. In a few minutes they were standing in the office of the chief, and Kate enthusiastically screaming at him. He quietly listened to these cries, and then said:
— Female, log out, and your husband will try to resolve this issue.
Kate left, and the Commissar lashed out at Michael:
— Yes, you! How did you dare? You have two small children, and you have your own family steal the money, it turns out? I won myself for submarine only ten rubles pay, and you're behind some kind of tank for twenty!
Misha and sat down where he stood, surprise. And the Commissar continued:
Oh, what I do not understand, or what? Let's here how to do: I'll write you a note and you will now have only ten roubles "to pay", this will last you for cigarettes and get-togethers with friends, I also enough.
That settled the matter. Michael with a sad look and left the room, it immediately rushed Katya:
— Well? What the chief said?
Misha put her hands help.
— Here, look! You make me ten more of the fine prescribed!
via eku.ru/dolzhniki/
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