12 signs of the Soviet man

It - as signs of pregnancy only ...
The Soviet people are firmly convinced that his personal well-being should take care of the state. This is his state, a sacred duty. Provide a high-paying job, free training, free of charge to cure, to free housing. Otherwise, why is it still needed?
Soviet working people are not particularly fond of. He always said that he paid little unfair. My favorite saying of Soviet man: "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work».
Exemplary Soviet man must necessarily smoke tobacco and drink bitter. If the Soviet person does not do this - it looks very suspicious. In others the impression that this is not a real Soviet people, and some profanity. Maybe even a saboteur.
The Soviet people, to put it mildly, is dishonest. He's pulling into the house. However, he does not think that does something bad. I am sure that everything around - national, so - it. If the Soviet people came from the factory and nothing is there not picked up - the day in vain.
The Soviet people did not believe in God, do not post blyudёt, the commandments have not heard anything. But the church after 1991 goes. So, just in case. Or maybe he still is? Although paradise on earth rightly considers the Soviet Union. The only icon in the house of the Soviet people - a portrait of Stalin.
Soviet man considers the principle of justice - the main thing. I have an ice hut, and a neighbor - Bast. Not fair. How is it better than me? Therefore: take away and divide. Neighbors - ice to me - Bast. A better - both to me. And, preferably, the operation of restorative justice carried out more often, at least once a week. In order not to accumulate too much property. And to continue to teach it - dekulakize and exiled to Siberia.
The Soviet people not interested in politics: "I do not mind it's our business. Superiors know better. For we all have been decided. From me nothing depends. " But in the elections run early in the morning and throw in the trash newsletter with the name of a single candidate. He believes that the only way it should be, and that is the only correct democracy. And everything else - from the State Department. And will pry where not supposed to - and even go to jail. So, our hut on the edge.
Trade unions - are needed, according to the Soviet people. There will be them who will give the vouchers? And the rest of them, these unions should sit and be silent assent superiors. As the chief said - and rightly so.
The Soviet people love freebies, so always buy lottery tickets and other Freestuff. Feel free throws to take part in all sorts of questionable companies that promise incredible gains. He believes in pyramid schemes and chain letters podmёtnye.
The Soviet people know that the law - the law, and life - life. It is not always necessary laws and regulations to comply with, and sometimes - when they contradict common sense - you need to break even in the name of justice. Or convenience.
Do not bypass the same around, when you can run across the road?
Bribed - I passed without queue.
Either traffic cop: "Hey, Commander, may agree?»
Soviet easily distinguished person at any stage of its propensity to nestle close to the front to stand. This means that no smart aleck (other Soviet people) was not able to drive a wedge between.
The Soviet people know from experience that any Soviet store it certainly aero cheated, but double-check the amount called him lazy and use the checkweigher shy.
The conflict, if there is a queue, always takes the side of the seller, cashier, administrator. Shouts any buyer, "swing right": "Do not bother to sell, get away!" Although trade workers do not like. Names of hucksters and profiteers. He is confident that this profession - typically thieves and the money she earned - stolen.
The Soviet people rarely defend their dignity trampled upon in the ticket offices, agencies and offices. He prefers wipe and move on. To not have been worse. And he's right. If there is the Soviet "cops" ... It is better away from sin.
If all of the above is present in you, you can be proud of the fact that you - the Soviet people!