6 above, to raise a child who will love to read

The best way to develop thinking and imagination of a child is, of course, reading. But in the era of modern technology it is very difficult to show kids the benefit of books in front of the TV and the Internet.
Site found 6 techniques to instill in your child a love of reading from early childhood.
1. Read to your child from infancy

Let reading be fun for a child just before bedtime. Let the children's books will be his first toys. May they be fun on walks, in cafes or in various queues to pleasantly pass the time at any place. Let reading books become a daily entertainment ritual and will help in any moment of time to relax and be transported into an interesting fairy tale you and your baby.
2. Don't push the kid trying to teach him to read as early as possible

There is a stereotype that the level of intelligence of the child is shown in his ability to read. But it is not!Each child has their own rhythm, and everyone learns to walk, talk and read at different times. But often parental vanity and boundless ambition lead to the fact that they are trying to teach children to read as early as possible, putting pressure and blaming the kid, then wondering why the child likes to read.
In this case, the parent goal is not to teach the child to put the letters in the word, and to teach him to enjoy reading with interest the "fail" along with the characters in the magic behind a seemingly normal paper pages.
3. Read along and respect the interests of the child

To ignite a love of reading in a child, the first thing you need to figure out what he or she likes. To do this, allow him to choose his works. After all, some kids love short stories, others long, for as long as possible not to part with the hero; some people prefer stories, someone adventures, etc.
Thus don't be surprised if the child for quite a long time asks you to read at night the same book. This means that it simply represents for him a comfort psychologically. It is likely that this book was you. Try reading it now — and you will return to that state of comfort that is experienced when we were kids.
4. Make reading a game

Tell the kid the tale with the statement that from books he will be very clever and go to uni, not worth it. It is not interesting for the child argument. Children begin to read books only if they perceive this process as a game.
Think of the terms and conditions of your game. One example is the teach your child to write. Tell stories with it's history. Ask to compose himself. Think of what might happen with the characters after the end of the story. What is their background? How could they do otherwise? Interest in invented worlds lies in the basis of a need to read in the future. It's also the best way to shape a child's creative imagination. Children with well-developed imagination will be looking for more challenging stories — they will be drawn to the books.
5. Shop books adventure

This can be considered a continuation of the previous item, reading the book can also be turned into an exciting game. Enough to give the child the basket and an hour in a bookstore to run between shelves, to assess the cover, flip the pages, illustrations, read the annotation. After buying a study book at a cafe, solemnly read the first page before going to bed — all these reading rituals are very useful, they are literally luring child into a new magical world.
6. Reduce the use of electronics

In the world of modern technology, information is provided to the children in visualized form ready. And thanks to television and the Internet by children does not require any additional voltage, the brain quickly goes to work on reduced energy consumption, do not need to imagine anything — everything is displayed on the screen. Reading is much more time-consuming process, which is why it seems quite disadvantageous in comparison with the modern gadgets.
So, of course, is to limit the time spent by children in front of blue screens. In addition, you should give preference to paper books, because electronic gadgets suppress the production of the night hormone, melatonin. Exceptions are only gadgets with E-ink screen.
And most importantly, see for yourself, gentlemen!

Photos on the preview Plan B Entertainment
According to the materials eresmama, mel
See also
20 books that parents should read to children before they grow up
20 books that are worth reading to children at night
100 books that you should read to a child before he learned to read
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/100-knig-kotorye-stoit-prochest-rebenku-poka-on-ne-nauchilsya-chitat-1090110/