4 Parent Mistakes That Can Make Your Child Unhealthy About Food

Without noticing it, parents can raise a child with impaired eating habits. Strict rules of eating can destroy the daughter or son contact with his body, repel the feeling of healthy hunger and the joy of satiety.

Website She shares the advice of psychologist Yana Filimonova on how not to raise a person who does not care what and when there is.

At the bottom of the jar there is still some baby food, but the child is already full and turns away? Don't make him finish eating. It is not necessary to decide for him how much he should eat to be full and healthy.

If the child admits that he is not yet hungry, do not force him to eat, otherwise he will learn to eat for company or not to offend his mother. Or finish the whole portion simply because there is a standard portion. It is better to help him develop the ability to listen to his own feelings of hunger and respond adequately to it.

Teenagers over whom their parents lost control and finally stopped feeding, happily “stop eating” and switch to a diet of chips and Coca-Cola. Perhaps not because it tastes so good, but because for the first time in their lives they can choose what to eat. And to “normal” food they have already instilled disgust.

Ice cream for the “five”, chips for the time made “home”, chocolate bar for a trip to the terrible dentist. A gold medal is awarded for eating other food. Cake only after soup and second! Eat the whole dinner, you get candy.

This can teach your child that everyday food is not good. It will probably teach you how to overeat. Who refuses cake, even if the stomach is full? Especially when cake is the only truly delicious food of the day.

“Assigning” as many foods as possible harmful – not only fast food, spicy and fried foods, but the most ordinary potatoes, bread, biscuits or pasta, you will force your child. Feel guilty for wanting to taste good.

His relationship with an ordinary chocolate or cake will be full of doubts and worries. They told him that they would be fat and sweet.

If you do not go to the movies, do not listen to music, do not invite guests and do not go to friends yourself, the child will begin to learn to get positive emotions from available sources - cutlets and cakes.

If the child is bored all day, then the menu of lunch, dinner and dessert automatically becomes the most interesting event of the day, and a trip to the cafe is a holiday. Rejoice more and accustom the child to the same, because the desire to experience positive emotions is natural for a person.

SOURCE Jan Filimonova/Mel
Photo preview Mosfilm

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