Why not give in, playing with children
Twenty six million thirty eight thousand one hundred sixty six
Every child sooner or later begins to be interested in logical and intellectual games. The parents in this case are not only teachers, but also the first worthy opponents.
Us Site and certainly many parents wondering: is it worth it to beat children? Because of this, they'll be upset.
Fifty three million eight hundred fifty one thousand six hundred sixty seven
My children aged 8 and 11 years old started to learn chess. I never was a Pro and was confident that within a year or two, they will learn quickly to beat me. But I did not leave the question: don't upset them my permanent victory, while they are just learning?
One day my 10 year old son asked: "Dad, will I ever be able to conquer you?"To which I replied: "When will you stop making stupid mistakes and learn the intricacies of the game, you will definitely be victorious." I told him about his strategy and how to think about their actions at the 2-3 step forward. He was excited and started to study chess and not just play for the sake of the game.
Ninety three million six hundred sixty three thousand one hundred thirty
Then one day, when has had 2 years and more than 100 games — he finally beat me. He was so excited. He's not just defeated, and wisely defeated me in the dust.
— Dad, you let me win? — was his main question.
— No, son. Allowing you to win, I will not teach you, but only will be deprived of the joy of sweet and deserve to win. You have to know that feeling, which is experiencing a real winner. You really worked hard before to beat me. Everything in life the same way — no matter how many times you've lost, the main thing — to continue again and again until he finally wins. Congratulate.
It was one of our last games, but it was a valuable lesson for him in life. Today at the age of 17 he was an a student in high school and running in the relay 4×400 m faster than anyone on his team. And all because at the age of 12 years he learned what a real victory.
So, NO, never give in to their children, playing with them!
Source Quora
Translation Site
See also
10 types of games to grow a smart baby
8 games to raise emotionally stronger children
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/8-igr-chtoby-vyrastit-emocionalno-silnyh-detej-1445215/
Every child sooner or later begins to be interested in logical and intellectual games. The parents in this case are not only teachers, but also the first worthy opponents.
Us Site and certainly many parents wondering: is it worth it to beat children? Because of this, they'll be upset.
Fifty three million eight hundred fifty one thousand six hundred sixty seven
My children aged 8 and 11 years old started to learn chess. I never was a Pro and was confident that within a year or two, they will learn quickly to beat me. But I did not leave the question: don't upset them my permanent victory, while they are just learning?
One day my 10 year old son asked: "Dad, will I ever be able to conquer you?"To which I replied: "When will you stop making stupid mistakes and learn the intricacies of the game, you will definitely be victorious." I told him about his strategy and how to think about their actions at the 2-3 step forward. He was excited and started to study chess and not just play for the sake of the game.
Ninety three million six hundred sixty three thousand one hundred thirty
Then one day, when has had 2 years and more than 100 games — he finally beat me. He was so excited. He's not just defeated, and wisely defeated me in the dust.
— Dad, you let me win? — was his main question.
— No, son. Allowing you to win, I will not teach you, but only will be deprived of the joy of sweet and deserve to win. You have to know that feeling, which is experiencing a real winner. You really worked hard before to beat me. Everything in life the same way — no matter how many times you've lost, the main thing — to continue again and again until he finally wins. Congratulate.
It was one of our last games, but it was a valuable lesson for him in life. Today at the age of 17 he was an a student in high school and running in the relay 4×400 m faster than anyone on his team. And all because at the age of 12 years he learned what a real victory.
So, NO, never give in to their children, playing with them!
Source Quora
Translation Site
See also
10 types of games to grow a smart baby
8 games to raise emotionally stronger children
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/8-igr-chtoby-vyrastit-emocionalno-silnyh-detej-1445215/