Richard Bach: Clear place in the life of important person
Strong quotes from the books by Richard BachRichard David Bach is best known as the author of philosophical Proverbs: "the Seagull named Jonathan Livingston Seagull", "Illusions, or the adventures of the Messiah that the Messiah did not want to be". Books former pilot with wisdom, romanticism and passion for flying.
These quotes writer, full of deep philosophical and life meanings:
Until you make room in your life for important person for you as you are for yourself, you will always look and lose.
Bad things not the worst thing that can happen to us.Nothing – that's the worst thing that can happen to us.
If your happiness depends on someone's actions, then I think you have a problem.
In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom.This is not always an easy sacrifice.
Some choices in our lives we take, not once, but a thousand. Remember them for the rest of my life.
If you ever want to find a man who can overcome any, even the most severe trouble and make you happy, when no one can no one else: you just look in the mirror and say, "hi!"
What the caterpillar call the end of the world - master called a butterfly.
Life requires you to be consistent, cruel, patient, helpful, angry, rational, thoughtless, loving, swift. However, Life requires that you understand the implications of every choice.
If you want to have someone left in your life, never treat him with indifference.
There is no such problem in which there would be precious gift for you. You create problems for yourself, because the gifts you desperately need.
No wish is being given the power to make it come true.
Have you ever felt like you miss someone you've never met?
Guilt is the tension you experience when you want to change your past, present or future for someone else. But it's your stress. You can let him go.
Claiming that you are something they can not, you deprive yourself of Omnipotence.
Sacrifice is giving up something desirable for something unwanted. It is never needed. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2017/01/blog-post_895.html
These quotes writer, full of deep philosophical and life meanings:
Until you make room in your life for important person for you as you are for yourself, you will always look and lose.
Bad things not the worst thing that can happen to us.Nothing – that's the worst thing that can happen to us.
If your happiness depends on someone's actions, then I think you have a problem.
In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom.This is not always an easy sacrifice.
Some choices in our lives we take, not once, but a thousand. Remember them for the rest of my life.
If you ever want to find a man who can overcome any, even the most severe trouble and make you happy, when no one can no one else: you just look in the mirror and say, "hi!"
What the caterpillar call the end of the world - master called a butterfly.
Life requires you to be consistent, cruel, patient, helpful, angry, rational, thoughtless, loving, swift. However, Life requires that you understand the implications of every choice.
If you want to have someone left in your life, never treat him with indifference.
There is no such problem in which there would be precious gift for you. You create problems for yourself, because the gifts you desperately need.
No wish is being given the power to make it come true.
Have you ever felt like you miss someone you've never met?
Guilt is the tension you experience when you want to change your past, present or future for someone else. But it's your stress. You can let him go.
Claiming that you are something they can not, you deprive yourself of Omnipotence.
Sacrifice is giving up something desirable for something unwanted. It is never needed. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2017/01/blog-post_895.html