Removable velomitor with the battery easily turns the bike in elektrobayk
Singapore transport company TUMCREATE, composed of engineers of the technical University of Munich (TUM) and Nanyang technological University (NTU), has developed a special elektrokomplekt bike, can turn a normal bike into electric.
Forty seven million five hundred eighty three thousand four hundred ninety eight
Set for the retrofit of bike got the name ease and is a foldable device, which includes sensors, controller, battery and a small electric motor with a friction wheel for coupling with the rear wheel. A feature of this solution is the ability to adapt to virtually any bike frame without interference with the chain drive.
Thirty two million four hundred twenty eight thousand three hundred thirteen
Ninety eight million one hundred forty six thousand five hundred forty seven
The market is already presented variations for the electrification of bicycles, but most of them require certain changes in its structure. One example is GeoOrbital motor wheel battery for installation which must be removed "native" wheel. However, in the case of Singapore it's a much simpler device – kit turned easily removable, compact and conveniently transported.
Twenty nine million five hundred seventy thousand three hundred nine
Ease equipped with a 250-watt motor and lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 10,000 mAh, which, according to the manufacturer, is able to assist the cyclist at a distance of 50 km with a maximum speed of 25 km/h to Compensate the charge from the outlet within 3 hours. The device with the weight of 3.5 kg can be fastened to the frame both left and right sides. As mentioned above, its easy mounting/Dismounting on the bike is made within 10 seconds and does not require special skills. In addition, the kit easily folds in half by a hinge in the middle and easily fits even in the armpit of the cyclist.
Two million two hundred eighty seven thousand three hundred one
Ninety eight million seven hundred twenty two thousand eight hundred ninety one
The device is made from aluminum and features waterproof protection. On its rear side has a led light that signals the braking of the vehicle. Control kit is controlled through buttons on the body, there is also LED indication of the volume of the charge.
After a series of successful tests, the developers patent your device, and then plan to start mass production. The commercial version will also include integration with a smartphone, anti-theft device and other more functions. According to the company, the value of ease in retail stores would be about 900 euros. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/transport/2064-s-emnyj-velomotor-s-batareej-legko-prevrashchaet-velosiped-v-elektrobajk-video.html
Forty seven million five hundred eighty three thousand four hundred ninety eight
Set for the retrofit of bike got the name ease and is a foldable device, which includes sensors, controller, battery and a small electric motor with a friction wheel for coupling with the rear wheel. A feature of this solution is the ability to adapt to virtually any bike frame without interference with the chain drive.
Thirty two million four hundred twenty eight thousand three hundred thirteen
Ninety eight million one hundred forty six thousand five hundred forty seven
The market is already presented variations for the electrification of bicycles, but most of them require certain changes in its structure. One example is GeoOrbital motor wheel battery for installation which must be removed "native" wheel. However, in the case of Singapore it's a much simpler device – kit turned easily removable, compact and conveniently transported.
Twenty nine million five hundred seventy thousand three hundred nine
Ease equipped with a 250-watt motor and lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 10,000 mAh, which, according to the manufacturer, is able to assist the cyclist at a distance of 50 km with a maximum speed of 25 km/h to Compensate the charge from the outlet within 3 hours. The device with the weight of 3.5 kg can be fastened to the frame both left and right sides. As mentioned above, its easy mounting/Dismounting on the bike is made within 10 seconds and does not require special skills. In addition, the kit easily folds in half by a hinge in the middle and easily fits even in the armpit of the cyclist.
Two million two hundred eighty seven thousand three hundred one
Ninety eight million seven hundred twenty two thousand eight hundred ninety one
The device is made from aluminum and features waterproof protection. On its rear side has a led light that signals the braking of the vehicle. Control kit is controlled through buttons on the body, there is also LED indication of the volume of the charge.
After a series of successful tests, the developers patent your device, and then plan to start mass production. The commercial version will also include integration with a smartphone, anti-theft device and other more functions. According to the company, the value of ease in retail stores would be about 900 euros. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/transport/2064-s-emnyj-velomotor-s-batareej-legko-prevrashchaet-velosiped-v-elektrobajk-video.html