Understanding that you have nowhere to go...
There is no such thing as "go to heaven". There is only the knowledge that you're already there. There is acceptance, understanding, but not making it. You can't be there where you are already...
The irony is that many people think that they need to leave the place where they are to get to where they want to be.So they leave heaven in order to go to heaven and go through hell.
Enlightenment is understanding that you have nowhere to go, nothing to do and nobody to be except who you are right now. You make a journey to nowhere.
Heaven — as you call it — is nowhere [nowhere].But let's insert a space between w and h in this word, and you will see that Paradise is here and now [now here]. published
©Neale Donald Walsch, an excerpt from the book "Conversations with God"
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: sobiratelzvezd.ru/prosvetlenie-eto-ponimanie-togo-chto-tebe-nekuda-idti/

The irony is that many people think that they need to leave the place where they are to get to where they want to be.So they leave heaven in order to go to heaven and go through hell.
Enlightenment is understanding that you have nowhere to go, nothing to do and nobody to be except who you are right now. You make a journey to nowhere.
Heaven — as you call it — is nowhere [nowhere].But let's insert a space between w and h in this word, and you will see that Paradise is here and now [now here]. published
©Neale Donald Walsch, an excerpt from the book "Conversations with God"
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: sobiratelzvezd.ru/prosvetlenie-eto-ponimanie-togo-chto-tebe-nekuda-idti/
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