Neale Donald Walsh: to do nothing means to do very much

Wake up and gently Wake the other!

The day will come when all is said there will be no one to cause the slightest doubt.

All this will seem quite obvious. Even now for some people this is obvious. And then there are those who are willing to believe in this message right now, in this moment. And some of them hard to sit idly by. They want to do something, because they immediately understood what is written here could change everything in our world.

Perhaps these people will not take in the society the visible posts, but they can not be overlooked, for they are the spark that brightens the world. Perhaps these people will not have much power, but they will soon give the opportunity for a species to claim his inheritance and live as appointed destiny. So, they will belong to those people who have significantly changed life on earth. This will be their legacy.

You can become one of these select few. If your soul danced with joy on hearing the message, expressed here in simple words, excluding any misunderstanding, distortion or denial, then you are one of these people. If your mind is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to realize new possibilities in your life and in the life of all mankind -you are one of them.

If so, you will probably find that involuntarily guided by all these messages in my life. Living them, you will silently invite other people too to think about all these alternative ideas that shape your experience, for people will not be able to pay attention to your behavior, and interested in what you know or how you come to this knowledge.

It will be the perfect time to reach out to him with a Quiet Invitation.

The first part of this Invitation will become your behavior and how you live. Soon others will want to understand your way of thinking that might also change your life. When they ask how you manage to keep such a peace, joy and love going around the world, you explain to them. Quietly, without anyone trying to "draw", not preaching, you just tell them what you know about the world, about life.

You tell them all this, because I know that these ideas can completely turn the world of man, — for you understand that this world should be turned upside down, and immediately. You'll do it, because you know that if you do not like you, no one else will.

In addition, the message will sooner or later attract the attention of people who hold influential and important positions. It's too a revolutionary message, not to reach people who have weight in government, business, media, entertainment industry, sports, scientific and religious structures. Some of them will agree with what it says. But hardly anyone has openly declared his consent.

Famous people with influence and power do not like to say what I don't like the masses. This problem of celebrity. If you care too much about popularity, you often have to limit the manifestation of his power. So do not expect that famous people will publicly defend some non-traditional ideas — even if he fully agree with them. Some are ready to do it, but most are not ready.

Conciliation can take many forms, for example: the compromise of conscience, a compromise of the mind, compromise will. It is the latter the most destructive.

In most cases, the conciliation of certain people is manifested in their action, but in inaction. To do nothing means to do very much.

Not to say anything — it means to say "Yes".

But no, it turns out, you need to say.

So, people who hold prominent positions, it is difficult to say "no" to existing ideas about Life. Therefore, new ideas can reach the masses, to the people they thought about and learned only through new leaders.

Most importantly, what it takes to become the new leader is a strong will.

Humanity needs to Express the collective will, and these new leaders must lead by example, to pave the way.

It is here that you enter the game.

Please consider the possibility that you are now turning to this healing message in response to the call of his soul. It is a call to flight.This is coming from the depths of the heart a passionate desire to change something in our indifferent world.

Because of this indifference, we could lose our peace. The world of our dreams, seen in rainbow dreams, gradually turns into a hopeless nightmare, and if we don't Wake up, it will be even worse.

For many the sun of hope was already down. However, echoing the beautiful words of Hemingway, I want to say that the sun will rise. Let us not sleep through the dawn. It is time for humanity to awaken.Wake up and gently Wake the other!


Author: Neal Donald Walsh, "Conversations with God"

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: Neale Donald Walsh "Conversations with God"


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