Look like the stars of horror films in real life
Fifty one million four hundred eighty eight thousand seven hundred fifty three
On the screens they give us fear, but in life... In life they are no different from ordinary people, whom we meet at every step.
We Site decided once and for all figure out how to actually look like the actors who played in the famous horror film, and whether they should be afraid of.
Samara — Davey Chase Bell, 2002
Forty seven million nine hundred fifty thousand one hundred sixty seven
Although Davey chase is only 26 years old, she has already managed to star in many cult films, including "Donnie Darko" and the TV series "Charmed" and "Ambulance". But we still will always remember it as the girl from "the ring» that drove us crazy, getting out of the TV.
Jason Voorhees: Ari Lehman Friday the 13th, 1980
Eighteen million one hundred seventy three thousand nine hundred ninety six
Villain Jason Voorhees was played by many actors, but it was Ari Lehman was the first. He played the role of a young Voorhees. When young Ari came to audition for the film "Friday the 13th", he was immediately endorsed with the words: «You have the right size — we take you". The boy was only 15 and his height was 180 cm.
Freddy Krueger — Robert Englund Nightmare on elm street, 1984
Sixty nine million seven hundred seventy four thousand four hundred forty four
"One, two —Freddy's coming for you." The role of serial killer Freddy Krueger has become the most significant in the career of Robert Englund. He became the only actor in history (along with Doug Bradley), who played a major role in 8 horror movies in a row. The actor is still active in films, and often invite him in horror.
Balak Bonnie Aarons Spell 2, 2016
Nineteen million two hundred seventy four thousand six hundred two
Thanks to the bright appearance Bonnie Aarons often had very diverse roles, starred in horror films and in comedies. The role of the demon Balak brought her considerable popularity. Fans of this character do not cease to repeat that the work of makeup artists in this film worthy of the highest praise.
Pennywise — Tim Curry It, 1990
Sixty five million six hundred sixty one thousand five hundred thirty seven
The clown from "It", filmed on the novel by Stephen king, still terrifies all the kids. And played the role of the famous Tim Curry — actor, singer and composer. A few years ago, Tim suffered a disease which now moves in a wheelchair. But despite this, he continues to work and write music.
John Kramer — Tobin Bell Saw, 2003
Seventy three million five hundred two thousand three hundred fifteen
The role of the maniac John Kramer has become the most famous in the career of Tobin bell. In addition to the "Saw" film he also starred in many famous TV series, among which "The x-files", "er" and "Walker, Texas Ranger".
Leprechaun — Warwick Davis Leprechaun, 2003
Sixty six million seven hundred eighty thousand three hundred ninety seven
Warwick Davis is among the most famous actors of the dwarfs, Hollywood his height is 107 cm with outstanding looks and acting talent Warwick has received many notable roles, she starred in such films as "Leprechaun," "Harry Potter", "Star wars", etc.
Michael Myers Nick Castle Halloween, 1978
Twenty seven million nine hundred eighty thousand seventy two
Nick castle was one of the first performers of the role of Michael Myers, and this work brought him the greatest popularity. For many years Nick is not engaged in acting, and making his own films and wrote the script.
Pinhead — Doug Bradley Hellraiser, 1987
Fifty one million eight hundred seventy three thousand seven hundred fifty three
Douglas Bradley is one of two actors (along with Robert Englund), who played the same character in 8 horror films. The actor tried to depart from his role and to act in other films, but the role of Pinhead still remained the most notable in the career of Bradley. Fans of the movies "Hellraiser" argue that this role is simply impossible to imagine any other actor.
Leatherface — Andrew Brunarski Texas chainsaw massacre: the Beginning, 2006
Eight million six hundred eighty seven thousand five hundred eighteen
Andrew Brunarski — one of 7 actors, playing the role of maniac named leatherface. Now the actor starred in the television series, as well as engaged in bodybuilding.
Jack TORRANCE Jack Nicholson The Shining, 1980
Forty million one hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred sixty nine
Rumored for the role of Jack TORRANCE of the iconic "the Shining" was claimed by Robert De Niro and Robin Williams. However, all interviews Stanley Kubrick always said from the beginning, seen in this role only the inimitable Jack Nicholson. And years later we just can't not to agree with it!
Photo preview New Line Cinema, Rexfeatures
See also
13 actors who are so accustomed to the way that steel copy their heroes
How has your favorite actors from the time of his first roles
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/kak-izmenilis-lyubimye-aktery-so-vremen-svoih-pervyh-rolej-1474015/
On the screens they give us fear, but in life... In life they are no different from ordinary people, whom we meet at every step.
We Site decided once and for all figure out how to actually look like the actors who played in the famous horror film, and whether they should be afraid of.
Samara — Davey Chase Bell, 2002
Forty seven million nine hundred fifty thousand one hundred sixty seven
Although Davey chase is only 26 years old, she has already managed to star in many cult films, including "Donnie Darko" and the TV series "Charmed" and "Ambulance". But we still will always remember it as the girl from "the ring» that drove us crazy, getting out of the TV.
Jason Voorhees: Ari Lehman Friday the 13th, 1980
Eighteen million one hundred seventy three thousand nine hundred ninety six
Villain Jason Voorhees was played by many actors, but it was Ari Lehman was the first. He played the role of a young Voorhees. When young Ari came to audition for the film "Friday the 13th", he was immediately endorsed with the words: «You have the right size — we take you". The boy was only 15 and his height was 180 cm.
Freddy Krueger — Robert Englund Nightmare on elm street, 1984
Sixty nine million seven hundred seventy four thousand four hundred forty four
"One, two —Freddy's coming for you." The role of serial killer Freddy Krueger has become the most significant in the career of Robert Englund. He became the only actor in history (along with Doug Bradley), who played a major role in 8 horror movies in a row. The actor is still active in films, and often invite him in horror.
Balak Bonnie Aarons Spell 2, 2016
Nineteen million two hundred seventy four thousand six hundred two
Thanks to the bright appearance Bonnie Aarons often had very diverse roles, starred in horror films and in comedies. The role of the demon Balak brought her considerable popularity. Fans of this character do not cease to repeat that the work of makeup artists in this film worthy of the highest praise.
Pennywise — Tim Curry It, 1990
Sixty five million six hundred sixty one thousand five hundred thirty seven
The clown from "It", filmed on the novel by Stephen king, still terrifies all the kids. And played the role of the famous Tim Curry — actor, singer and composer. A few years ago, Tim suffered a disease which now moves in a wheelchair. But despite this, he continues to work and write music.
John Kramer — Tobin Bell Saw, 2003
Seventy three million five hundred two thousand three hundred fifteen
The role of the maniac John Kramer has become the most famous in the career of Tobin bell. In addition to the "Saw" film he also starred in many famous TV series, among which "The x-files", "er" and "Walker, Texas Ranger".
Leprechaun — Warwick Davis Leprechaun, 2003
Sixty six million seven hundred eighty thousand three hundred ninety seven
Warwick Davis is among the most famous actors of the dwarfs, Hollywood his height is 107 cm with outstanding looks and acting talent Warwick has received many notable roles, she starred in such films as "Leprechaun," "Harry Potter", "Star wars", etc.
Michael Myers Nick Castle Halloween, 1978
Twenty seven million nine hundred eighty thousand seventy two
Nick castle was one of the first performers of the role of Michael Myers, and this work brought him the greatest popularity. For many years Nick is not engaged in acting, and making his own films and wrote the script.
Pinhead — Doug Bradley Hellraiser, 1987
Fifty one million eight hundred seventy three thousand seven hundred fifty three
Douglas Bradley is one of two actors (along with Robert Englund), who played the same character in 8 horror films. The actor tried to depart from his role and to act in other films, but the role of Pinhead still remained the most notable in the career of Bradley. Fans of the movies "Hellraiser" argue that this role is simply impossible to imagine any other actor.
Leatherface — Andrew Brunarski Texas chainsaw massacre: the Beginning, 2006
Eight million six hundred eighty seven thousand five hundred eighteen
Andrew Brunarski — one of 7 actors, playing the role of maniac named leatherface. Now the actor starred in the television series, as well as engaged in bodybuilding.
Jack TORRANCE Jack Nicholson The Shining, 1980
Forty million one hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred sixty nine
Rumored for the role of Jack TORRANCE of the iconic "the Shining" was claimed by Robert De Niro and Robin Williams. However, all interviews Stanley Kubrick always said from the beginning, seen in this role only the inimitable Jack Nicholson. And years later we just can't not to agree with it!
Photo preview New Line Cinema, Rexfeatures
See also
13 actors who are so accustomed to the way that steel copy their heroes
How has your favorite actors from the time of his first roles
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/kak-izmenilis-lyubimye-aktery-so-vremen-svoih-pervyh-rolej-1474015/