One twin left on the Earth, and the second spent a year in space. And that's what it became
Forty million six hundred fifty nine thousand one hundred seven
Recently finally published the first results, perhaps, one of the most curious space research in the history of human flight.
Scott and mark Kelly are identical twins, the astronauts who took part in the following experiment: Scott went to the ISS along with the other astronauts on 340 days, and the mark left on the Earth. The project entitled Twin Study was established in order to study the effect long space flight on human health. With essentially the same genetic material, the brothers have provided scientists with a wealth of medical data that will be investigated in the near future. But have already become known some results and they are very curious.
In human chromosomes there are so-called telomeres — and their length decreases with each new cell division. They can not divide infinitely, thus are one of the factors of aging. And now scientists have figured out that the mission of the telomeres Scott are longer than my brother. When the astronaut returned to Earth, its telomeres quickly returned to the preflight level.
Were also found some differences in the DNA of brothers, however, indicators have returned to their previous level after some time. What does it mean scientists are still unclear and have yet to find out, besides, NASA plans to conduct studies with other astronauts.
By the way, the experiment with the twins, Kelly is reminiscent of the "twin paradox": in the framework of the theory of relativity, Einstein came to the conclusionthat when driving at a speed close to the speed of light, time slows down. So, Scott could become a little younger, having spent one year aboard the space ship. Of course, the ISS is not moving at the speed of light, but perhaps soon the results of the experiment will shed light on eternal questions about human aging.
And who knows, maybe due to space missions of humanity that's invent the drink of eternal youth. We are in the Website we look forward to further research results, and you?
Source NASA
Translation Of The Website
Photos on the preview NASA
Materials nature.com
via www.nature.com/news/astronaut-twin-study-hints-at-stress-of-space-travel-1.21380?WT.mc_id=TWT_NatureNews

Recently finally published the first results, perhaps, one of the most curious space research in the history of human flight.
Scott and mark Kelly are identical twins, the astronauts who took part in the following experiment: Scott went to the ISS along with the other astronauts on 340 days, and the mark left on the Earth. The project entitled Twin Study was established in order to study the effect long space flight on human health. With essentially the same genetic material, the brothers have provided scientists with a wealth of medical data that will be investigated in the near future. But have already become known some results and they are very curious.
In human chromosomes there are so-called telomeres — and their length decreases with each new cell division. They can not divide infinitely, thus are one of the factors of aging. And now scientists have figured out that the mission of the telomeres Scott are longer than my brother. When the astronaut returned to Earth, its telomeres quickly returned to the preflight level.
Were also found some differences in the DNA of brothers, however, indicators have returned to their previous level after some time. What does it mean scientists are still unclear and have yet to find out, besides, NASA plans to conduct studies with other astronauts.
By the way, the experiment with the twins, Kelly is reminiscent of the "twin paradox": in the framework of the theory of relativity, Einstein came to the conclusionthat when driving at a speed close to the speed of light, time slows down. So, Scott could become a little younger, having spent one year aboard the space ship. Of course, the ISS is not moving at the speed of light, but perhaps soon the results of the experiment will shed light on eternal questions about human aging.
And who knows, maybe due to space missions of humanity that's invent the drink of eternal youth. We are in the Website we look forward to further research results, and you?
Source NASA
Translation Of The Website
Photos on the preview NASA
Materials nature.com
via www.nature.com/news/astronaut-twin-study-hints-at-stress-of-space-travel-1.21380?WT.mc_id=TWT_NatureNews
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