14 adorable puppies that grew too fast
Seems like yesterday he came into the house a little sloppy with the ball, and today lives next to you big dog.
The website has gathered for you some shots, which made the owners of the puppies then and now.
The baby, who is still sitting on his favorite spot in the yard
This sweet couple many years later remains so fluffy and happy
Puppy still loves to show off in front of the camera
But this cutie over the years, not losing the spirit of adventure
Pooch, which also looks straight into the soul
Noble gentleman, preserved since childhood, his manners
This babe eventually learned the art of begging
Now his ears stand straight
The kid who grew up and was much fluffier than expected
Now to take it on the handles has become slightly more complicated
Lady did start to take the work seriously
Those two never lost a sense of humor
The baby still does not change his habits
Best friends since 1997
Photos on the preview reddit.com
See also
15 puppies that grew too fast
20 dogs who think that well hidden
20 dogs who can handle all matters
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/20-psov-kotorye-sami-razberutsya-so-vsemi-delami-837160/
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