When to plant seedlings in 2017: favorable days for planting vegetables. Harvest all the envy!
Spring is just around the corner and that means that you need to prepare for the new gardening season.
For experienced gardeners it is no secret that such a work requires great physical and mental effort.
To collect on your summer cottage really decent crop, you need to work hard, and also know a number of nuances and tricks for growing garden plants.
Edition "Website" offers to explore the calendar of planting seedlings in 2017, so as not to miss the right time and enjoy homegrown vegetables all summer long!
Calendar planting seedlings in 2017
Follow these guidelines, share with your friends, and your harvest will be generous and enviable!
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This is a real creative laboratory! The true team of associates, each a specialist in their field, United by a common purpose: to help people. We create content that's really worth sharing, and a source of inexhaustible inspiration are our favorite readers!
For experienced gardeners it is no secret that such a work requires great physical and mental effort.
To collect on your summer cottage really decent crop, you need to work hard, and also know a number of nuances and tricks for growing garden plants.
Edition "Website" offers to explore the calendar of planting seedlings in 2017, so as not to miss the right time and enjoy homegrown vegetables all summer long!

Calendar planting seedlings in 2017
- Tomatoes
Seeds are sown in boxes on the windowsill, and after the appearance of the present sheet dive in the greenhouse, or glassed-in greenhouses. This is the best way of growing tomatoes outdoors — seedlings becomes surprisingly strong, hardened and chunky.
The sowing of tomato seeds to seedlings in 2017
2 (after 11:58), 3, 4 (18:15), 4 (after 18:21), 5, 6 (up to 20:43), 7, 11, 30, 31 (to 19:37 ) Jan.
1, 2 (up to 18:51), 3, 4, 7 (to 09:04), 8, 27, 28 Feb.
1, 2 (after 09:44), 3 (17:21), 6 (after 14:55), 7, 8 (until 17:00), 11, 29 (after 18:49), March 30. - Pepper
To get healthy and strong seedlings, you need to properly prepare the soil. For this you need to take 4 parts peat, 2 parts loam and 1 part sopressa sawdust and humus. A bucket of ready mix, add a little sand and a few tablespoons of wood ash.
Before planting pepper seeds, the soil must be abundantly watered with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. This is necessary for disinfecting the soil.
Calendar sowing pepper
15, 16, 17 (up to 08:11), 20, 21, 22 (after 12:46), 23, 24 (19:34), 25, 26 Jan.
11 (after 15:53), 12, 13 (15:38), 16 (after 08:42), 17,18 (after 20:53), 19, 20, 21 (after 09:09), February 22.
15 (after 17:12), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (to 10:39), 20 (17:32), 21, 22 (15:21), 25 (after 12:08), 26, 27 (13:20) Mar. - Cucumbers
Important without error to calculate the time of sowing as cucumbers quickly stretch and grow. At the time of landing the plants shall be from 21 to 30 days. By the way, it is better to use seeds that had lain a few years! Such plants will give a more luxuriant harvest.
Seeds of cucumber seedlings in 2017, it is better to sow in those days
2 (after 11:58), 3, 4 (18:15), 4 (after 18:21), 5, 6, 7 (to 20:43), 7, 11, 29 (after 18:12), 30, 31 (19:37) Jan.
1, 2 (up to 18:51), 3, 4, 7 (after 09:04), 8, 27, 28 Feb.
1, 2 (after 09:44), 3 (17:21), 6 (after 14:55), 7, 8 (until 17:00), March 30. - Cabbage
At the time of landing of a landing material cabbage should be 30 days. Early varieties Mature in 70-90 days, and later through 120-130 days. Simultaneously with sown white cabbage Savoy, red and Brussels sprouts.
After sowing, cabbage seed capacity kept at a temperature of 20 degrees, but once the seeds germinate, the temperature was lowered to 9 degrees. This technique helps the little plants to build a thick and long roots. By the time planting in the ground the shoots must have 3-4 leaves.
Favorable period for sowing cabbage
2 (after 11:58), 3, 4 (until 18:15 and after 18:21), 5, 6 (up to 20:43), 7, 11, 30, 31 (to 19:37) Jan.
1, 2 (up to 18:51), 3, 4, 7 (to 09:04), 8, 27, 28 Feb.
1, 2 (after 09:44), 3 (17:21), 6 (after 14:55), 7, 8 (until 17:00), 11, 29 (after 18:49), March 30.
Follow these guidelines, share with your friends, and your harvest will be generous and enviable!
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