A deaf pit bull bites bee and threw home, but fate turned around to face him

How often people abandon their Pets just because of the fact that they have ceased to be cute furry animals... But, fortunately, there are those for whom appearance is not important, but only the character and inner beauty. The website tells the amazing story of a puppy Stinger, bee-stung, but managed to survive and find the perfect hostess!
Stinger — puppy Pitbull that was born deaf. One day he fell asleep on the ground next to the hive and he rushed bees

Photo source: Boredpanda.samsennok very bad suffered the effects of the bites, it turned out that he is allergic. Then the hosts took the Stinger to the veterinary clinic and just dumped at the entrance

They left, not even looking around and all the care about the poor puppy had to take a girl named Carrie Sipola, who is the founder of a special organization that helps animals

After examination it turned out that the stinger was also suffering from mange and severe exhaustion. But the most terrible diagnosis was pemphigus — autoimmune disease, difficult to treat

Carrie says the stinger is an amazing dog, smart, loyal and loving. Despite his problems, he is cheerful and full of good

Now the baby stinger is in the care of Carrie and is undergoing treatment. Once it ends, Carrie will take him to the stinger finally found a loving family and home

via factroom.ru
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