How to calm a child who is angry — 7 effective tips
Any child can sometimes be difficult to cope with any emotions, but those who have a tendency to get angry – have especially hard. Our parent task — to help them to calm down, but also to teach them how to bring yourself into a state of equilibrium.
Here are tips on how to calm the baby if he gets angry.
1. Sympathy
What seems a nonsense for a child can be very important. If the baby is howling, because I wanted blue socks, and you put him red, instead of the words "who cares?" try not to devalue his experience. If they see value where you do not see, do not tell them that their feelings are wrong.
2. Give space, but don't isolate
Children who tend to be angry, have a propensity to physical aggression. Help them to ease the tension. Special pillow beating or area where you can relax, was a good outlet. The child may not like the isolation from the family or from you when he's upset, and a little bit of space where you are allowed to Express different feelings – something that is necessary to alleviate the situation.
3. Remind them that being angry is normal
Emotions — a normal part of our development and we experience a variety of feelings every day. To be angry and upset, nothing special. If you punish your child — always punish for the behavior, but not for the feeling itself.
4. Do not react too emotionally
Try to keep a calm voice. You know, it's easier said than done. But the more you calm yourself, the easier it will be to calm the baby. And all the screaming and aggression is likely to RUB off on him with greater force.
5. Listen, looking in his eyes
Children need to feel that they are heard, especially when they are upset. Eye contact helps incredibly. Let them talk about what's going on with them — it helps to slowly calm down.
7 clues your child how to calm down anywhere
1. Count to five
Count is a great way to slow down and think before you act, as required by anger. Control your urges especially hard for kids. This simple tactic will give them time to reflect on reaction.
2. Take a deep breath
Deep breathing is a great way to relax. Regardless of the fact that the child feels some deep breaths and slow exhalations calm the body and the emotions shifted from the dead point of anger.
3. Breathe in the hands
Another deep breathing technique. Exhaling into the hands, not in the air, the child feels your breath and can feel his power.
4. Putting hands in pockets
This will help to feel a physical limitation. I could just sit on your hands or firmly grip them.
5. Squeeze and relax your fists
Tightly clenched fists, and then relax — well releases tension from the body. Children often do not realize how much they stretched when upset.
Parent CODE — read for ALL parents!
Teach children to dream and not to be afraid of...
6. "Scan" your body
Starting from the head, to mentally inspect each body part and relax it.
7. To ask for a hug
Hugs improve mood in any situation. Find someone you love and hug him.published
Source: ponaroshku.ru/blog/kak-pomoch-uspokoitsya-rebenku-kotoryy-zlitsya-7-sovetov/
Here are tips on how to calm the baby if he gets angry.

1. Sympathy
What seems a nonsense for a child can be very important. If the baby is howling, because I wanted blue socks, and you put him red, instead of the words "who cares?" try not to devalue his experience. If they see value where you do not see, do not tell them that their feelings are wrong.
2. Give space, but don't isolate
Children who tend to be angry, have a propensity to physical aggression. Help them to ease the tension. Special pillow beating or area where you can relax, was a good outlet. The child may not like the isolation from the family or from you when he's upset, and a little bit of space where you are allowed to Express different feelings – something that is necessary to alleviate the situation.
3. Remind them that being angry is normal
Emotions — a normal part of our development and we experience a variety of feelings every day. To be angry and upset, nothing special. If you punish your child — always punish for the behavior, but not for the feeling itself.
4. Do not react too emotionally
Try to keep a calm voice. You know, it's easier said than done. But the more you calm yourself, the easier it will be to calm the baby. And all the screaming and aggression is likely to RUB off on him with greater force.
5. Listen, looking in his eyes
Children need to feel that they are heard, especially when they are upset. Eye contact helps incredibly. Let them talk about what's going on with them — it helps to slowly calm down.

7 clues your child how to calm down anywhere
1. Count to five
Count is a great way to slow down and think before you act, as required by anger. Control your urges especially hard for kids. This simple tactic will give them time to reflect on reaction.
2. Take a deep breath
Deep breathing is a great way to relax. Regardless of the fact that the child feels some deep breaths and slow exhalations calm the body and the emotions shifted from the dead point of anger.
3. Breathe in the hands
Another deep breathing technique. Exhaling into the hands, not in the air, the child feels your breath and can feel his power.
4. Putting hands in pockets
This will help to feel a physical limitation. I could just sit on your hands or firmly grip them.
5. Squeeze and relax your fists
Tightly clenched fists, and then relax — well releases tension from the body. Children often do not realize how much they stretched when upset.
Parent CODE — read for ALL parents!
Teach children to dream and not to be afraid of...
6. "Scan" your body
Starting from the head, to mentally inspect each body part and relax it.
7. To ask for a hug
Hugs improve mood in any situation. Find someone you love and hug him.published
Source: ponaroshku.ru/blog/kak-pomoch-uspokoitsya-rebenku-kotoryy-zlitsya-7-sovetov/
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