The artist laughed at designer bathrooms
Thirty six million seven hundred fifty eight thousand one hundred sixty two
Everyone has their own quirks. For example, rich people can't settle for an ordinary shower or bath, so hire designers, so they made them incredible interior. And sometimes it seems that the convenience in such rooms and no smell… Site offers you works of the artist under the name Artxauroraxart, the comic clearly showed the absurdity of these premises!
*Muffled cries*
So freely, so openly...
Photo source: Boredpanda.concamin... in the shower? Eighty million eight hundred ninety nine thousand two hundred twenty seven
Hail! Twenty eight million five hundred eighty five thousand five hundred fifty eight
UFO abduction
Beetles!!! Thirty nine million four hundred thirty eight thousand sixty three
Beware of slippery floors! Eighty six million nine hundred twenty eight thousand seven hundred seventy seven
So free, so open — 2...
via artxauroraxart.tumblr.com/
Everyone has their own quirks. For example, rich people can't settle for an ordinary shower or bath, so hire designers, so they made them incredible interior. And sometimes it seems that the convenience in such rooms and no smell… Site offers you works of the artist under the name Artxauroraxart, the comic clearly showed the absurdity of these premises!
*Muffled cries*

So freely, so openly...

Photo source: Boredpanda.concamin... in the shower? Eighty million eight hundred ninety nine thousand two hundred twenty seven
Hail! Twenty eight million five hundred eighty five thousand five hundred fifty eight

UFO abduction

Beetles!!! Thirty nine million four hundred thirty eight thousand sixty three
Beware of slippery floors! Eighty six million nine hundred twenty eight thousand seven hundred seventy seven
So free, so open — 2...

via artxauroraxart.tumblr.com/