This is what happens when your secret Santa is bill gates

Each year Microsoft founder bill gates takes part in an unusual project. It adds a sheet with your name in a hat and turns into a secret Santa. And every year one of the subscribers, Reddit receives a gift of their dreams from the bill gates. The website found out who was the lucky one this year.

Aerix (Aerrix) returned home after work and saw the front door of the giant package.

"I opened the box and saw the photo my jaw dropped," says Aeryx.

From the photo she looked on himself bill gates.

Inside the box lay a carefully-chosen gifts. It became clear that gates has carefully studied the profile of the wearer on the website Reddit.

For example, mittens for her and her dog based on favorite video games.

Exclusive rare Nintendo NES Classic Edition to play their favorite game.

New Xbox.

And to him some exclusive consoles.

A pair of limited edition games and 4 gold cards annual membership to Xbox Live.

Among the gifts was a cookbook that bill had signed with the following words:

"Aerix, since you're originally from Louisiana and miss the dishes of his uncle, I thought you might want to try a few recipes from this book".

Bill with the help of photoshop have added themselves to the picture of Aerix with her husband and dog.

The billionaire also listed the donation on behalf of Aerix to Fund the organization Code.org that deals with the popularization of information technology and education in this area.
"It's something close to me and my heart. My husband works as a programmer and my brother got a degree in information technology," says Aeryx.

Materials mashable.com
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