Bill Gates talked about the most likely global catastrophe in the world today
In an interview to Vox former head of Microsoft Bill Gates spoke about his vision of contemporary problems of mankind and that, in his opinion, is now the greatest danger. Gates believes that this problem can be easily carried by a global epidemic of the disease, such as the Spanish flu at the beginning of the century. In today's global world the spread of infection is so fast that the first one hundred days, it could kill 770,000 people, and for 200 days it will be the victims of more than 33 million people.
"I estimate the chances of a nuclear war during my life as very low," - says Gates. "I estimate the chances of widespread epidemic disease, which will be much worse Ebola, for the same time, more than 50%." According to Gates, who is now 59 years old, more well-known thanks to Hollywood movies problems falling asteroids, global earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, have a very low probability to happen.
Estimation of the propagation velocity of the global epidemic and the number of its victims - is the result of a special study group, which was founded by Gates. Despite the fact that the level of health in the last hundred years is much improved, new drugs and medical devices, this achievement will be offset by the modern mobility of people across the globe who will be unwitting carriers of the disease. Therefore, the rate of infection will be very rapid.
There is also a very serious problem of medical support so-called countries of the "third world." If the United States on health care per person government spends an average of $ 8000, then in Eritrea is only $ 20. Most of it may seem that this is actually a problem of individual African states, however, says Gates, in a rapidly expanding global epidemic is a problem very quickly become a problem of the high level of development and the economy, and medicine.
Bill Gates is known for his charitable foundation and the fight against diseases in the poorest countries of the world. Last year he donated $ 500 million to fight malaria in Africa, from which there die each year 600,000 people. He is known for his phrase: "I just turned 59 years old. I am very upset if you do not live to see the time when malaria is eradicated. "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251098/
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