17 funny ads, the authors are looking for a soul mate
Ninety four million fifty two thousand four hundred eighteen
In the modern world so difficult to find love. Almost no one today meets on the streets, preferring to look for satellite Internet. And rarely have questionnaires that they can only laugh! The website has collected striking for the reader of the ad know about you, but when you look at that you can't help but smile!
via from-ua.com/photo/386193-obyavleniya-o-znakomstve-samie-veselie-i-kreativnie-foto.html
In the modern world so difficult to find love. Almost no one today meets on the streets, preferring to look for satellite Internet. And rarely have questionnaires that they can only laugh! The website has collected striking for the reader of the ad know about you, but when you look at that you can't help but smile!

via from-ua.com/photo/386193-obyavleniya-o-znakomstve-samie-veselie-i-kreativnie-foto.html
Continuous contradictions: the answer to this puzzle will surprise you!
Dad. Two syllables, four letters...