Scientists have calculated the mass of the technosphere
For the first time scientists have calculated the total mass of the technosphere, that is just "human" on the planet, all things, all that is associated with man, buildings, roads, bridges, appliances, clothing and books, trash and more.
On getting data worked 20 scientists from the University of Leicester in the UK and still they recognize that this is only the initial and very approximate calculations, the true mass may be significantly more represented at the moment.
A team of researchers says that the total mass of things over 30 trillion tons, if the count for how many kilograms per square meter of land will turn out more than 50 pounds.
Most interesting in this study that the number of objects forming the technosphere is growing. Professor Zalasiewicz from University of Leicester added: "the Technosphere May be geologically young, but it develops at breakneck speed, and has left a deep mark on our planet."published
Source: phys.org/news/2016-11-earth-technosphere-trillion-tons.html

On getting data worked 20 scientists from the University of Leicester in the UK and still they recognize that this is only the initial and very approximate calculations, the true mass may be significantly more represented at the moment.

A team of researchers says that the total mass of things over 30 trillion tons, if the count for how many kilograms per square meter of land will turn out more than 50 pounds.

Most interesting in this study that the number of objects forming the technosphere is growing. Professor Zalasiewicz from University of Leicester added: "the Technosphere May be geologically young, but it develops at breakneck speed, and has left a deep mark on our planet."published
Source: phys.org/news/2016-11-earth-technosphere-trillion-tons.html