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New theory may explain the mass of the Higgs

One million three hundred twenty eight thousand six hundred one

One of the greatest mysteries of physics could solve the "macrocomedones" axion field that permeates space and time. Three physicists who collaborated in the Bay area San Francisco the last three years, has developed a new solution to the problem, which troubled the scientific field for over 30 years. This profound mystery, which is driven experiments at powerful accelerators of particles and come up with a controversial hypothesis, the multiverse theory, to formulate even a primary school student: how the magnet picks up a paper clip despite the gravitational pull of the entire planet.

Despite the power behind the movement of stars and galaxies, the force of gravity in the hundred million trillion trillion times weaker than magnetism, and other microscopic forces of nature. This discrepancy manifests itself in the physical equations in the absurd difference between the mass of the Higgs boson, opened in 2012, the particles that controls the masses and forces known other particles, and the expected mass range is not yet open gravitational States of matter.

In the absence of evidence from the Large hadron Collider that support any of the previously proposed theories that would explain this ridiculous hierarchy of masses — including the seductive elegant "supersymmetry" — many physicists have begun to doubt the logic of the laws of nature. Growing concern that our universe may be random, but rather a strange conglomeration among the countless number of other possible universes — and that means the end of the search for a consistent theory of nature.

This month, BUCK began the long-awaited second launch with almost double the operating energy, continuing the search for new particles and phenomena that would solve the problem of our hierarchy. However, the very real possibility that around the corner there will be no new particle and theoretical physicists will meet your "nightmare scenario". It will also make them think.

David Kaplan

"It is in times of crisis new ideas," says Jean Judith, a theoretical particle physicist from the CERN laboratory near Geneva, where the LHC.

The new proposal offers a possible way out. The trio of scientists "super excited," says David Kaplan, a 46-year-old theoretical physicist from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, who developed the model with Peter Graham, 35, of Stanford University and Sarjito Rajendram, 32 years old, from the University of California at Berkeley.

Their solution traces the hierarchy between gravity and other fundamental forces back to the explosive birth of the cosmos, where, according to scientists, the two variables evolved in tandem, suddenly stopped dead. At this point, a hypothetical particle "axion" locked the Higgs boson in its current mass, well below the gravitational scale. Axion appeared in the theoretical equations in 1977 and, most likely, exist. While I did not find any axion, but scientists believe that axions can be the so-called "relacionada" (relax — relax), solving the hierarchy problem by "relaxing" the value of the Higgs mass.

"It's very, very clever idea, says Raman Sundrum, a theoretical physicist from the University of Maryland, was not involved in its development. — Maybe so, to some extent, the way of the world".

Within a few weeks after the work has appeared in the Network, formed a "new Playground" filled with researchers who wanted to study weaknesses of ideas and overall feel of it, says Nathaniel Craig, a theoretical physicist at the University of California in Santa Barbara.

"It all seems pretty damn simple opportunity, says Radzhendran. We are not trying to jump over your head. It just wants to work."

However, a number of experts notes that, in its current form this idea is not without disadvantages that must be carefully considered. And even if she survives this criticism can take decades to test it experimentally.

Unnatural balance all the hype that surrounded the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, completing the Standard model of particle physics and brought Peter Higgs and Francois Englert the Nobel prize in physics in 2013, this discovery is a surprise; the existence of a particle and the measured mass of 125 GeV consistent with the years of circumstantial evidence. However, this has left experts puzzled TANK. There was nothing that could reconcile the Higgs mass with the predicted mass scale associated with gravity, which lies outside the experimentally achievable targets for 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 GeV.

"The problem is that in quantum mechanics everything affects everything, explains Judith. Superheavy gravity States must quantum-mechanically mixed with the Higgs boson, making a powerful contribution to the value of its mass. However, the Higgs boson somehow remains lightweight. It's as if the incredible factors that affect it a lot — some positive, others negative, but all the dozens of characters the size is magically canceled, leaving an extremely small amount. A finely tuned cancellation of all these factors seems "suspicious," says Judith. — It seems like there must be something else.

Effects often compared to a finely tuned mass of the Higgs with a pencil that stands upright on the tip, pushed by air currents and table vibration, but still remains in perfect balance. "This is not a condition of impossibility is the condition of maloveroyatno, says Savas Dimopoulos of Stanford. If you come to this pencil, "you first hold your hand over the pencil to inspect a scaffold that anchors it to the ceiling. Then you'll think someone stuck a pencil on gum".

Physics, similarly, was looking for a natural explanation for the hierarchy problem since the 1970s years, convinced that this search will lead them to a more complete theory of nature, perhaps even shining a light on the particles of "dark matter", the invisible substance that fills the galaxy. "Naturalness was the main leitmotif of these studies," says Judith.

Since the 1980s, the years, the most popular suggestion was supersymmetry. It solves the hierarchy problem by postulating not yet discovered the twins for each of the elementary particles: electron — selectron, for each quark — squark and so on. Gemini opposite impact on the Higgs boson mass, making it impervious to the effects of superheavy particles of gravity (they are offset by the effects of his twins).

No evidence of supersymmetry or any competing ideas — like Technicolor or "warped extra dimensions" — does not appear during the first run BAK from 2010 to 2013. When the LHC was closed for modernization in early 2013, not finding a single "particle" or other signs of physics beyond the Standard model, many experts have begun to think that the quality is no alternative. What if the mass of the Higgs, and hence the laws of nature are unnatural? The calculations showed that if the mass of the Higgs boson was only a few times more and everything else would have stayed the same, then the protons would not be able to get together in atoms, and there would be the complex structures of stars or living organisms. What if our universe is actually random is finely tuned, like a pencil balancing on its tip torn from the endless number of bubble universes within the multiverse a virtually endless simply because life requires just such a crazy, outrageous, outrageous case?

This hypothesis of the multiverse, which emerged during the discussion of the problem of the hierarchy since the late 90s, the majority of physicists is regarded as a very grim prospect. "I just don't know what to do with it, says Craig. We don't know the rules". Other bubbles of the multiverse, if they exist, lie beyond the borders of the light reachable, forever limiting the theory of the multiverse theory, which we will be able to experimentally observe from our lonely bubble. And without any way to determine where on a segment infinitely possible data of the multiverse are given to us data, it becomes difficult or impossible to build arguments based on the multiverse on why our universe is this. "I don't know at what point we will be sufficiently convinced. How to determine the right time? How do you know?".

Higgs and релаксион

Kaplan visited the Gulf last summer to work with Graham and Rajendran, whom he knew, as all three worked at different times to Dimopoulos, who was one of the key developers of supersymmetry. Over the past year, the trio divide their time between Berkeley and Stanford, exchanging "bits embryonic ideas," says Graham, and gradually developed a new and original idea for the laws of particle physics.

Inspired by the attempt of Larry Abbott 1984 to address the various problem of naturalness in physics, they sought to revise the mass of the Higgs as an emerging option that could dynamically "relax" before his tiny role in the birth of the cosmos, rather than start with a fixed and seemingly incredible constant. "Although it took six months to get rid of dead ends and stupid models and very complicated things, we came to a very simple picture," says Kaplan.

According to their model, the mass of the Higgs depends on the numerical value of a hypothetical field, which permeates space-time: the axion field. To submit his picture, "we think of seobjikoji space such as three-dimensional mattress," says Dimopoulos. The value at each point of the field depends on how compressed the springs of the mattress. For a long time it was believed that the existence of this mattress and its vibration in the form of axions can solve two profound mysteries: first, the axion field is supposed to explain why most interactions between protons and neutrons flows both forward and backward, solving the so-called "strong CP-problem". Second, axions may comprise the dark matter. The solution of the hierarchical problem is the third important achievement.

The story of this new model starts when the space was full of energy point. Axion mattress was under extraordinary pressure, which makes the mass of the Higgs is enormous. With the expansion of the Universe springs were relaxed, as if their energy flowed from the springs to the newly created space. As the scattering energy is decreased, and the mass of the Higgs. When the mass has reached its present magnitude, the corresponding variable has dropped below zero, switched on the Higgs field, similar to the Patoka field, which gives mass to particles like electrons and quarks passing through it. Massive quarks, in turn, interacted with the axion field, creating a metaphorical ridges of the hill, which rolled down the energy. The axion field is frozen, like Higgs mass.

The Sundrum calls it a radical departure from the patterns of the past: new model shows how the modern hierarchy of the masses could blind himself since the birth of the cosmos. Dimopoulos said the striking minimalism of this model, which uses basically the previously established ideas. "People like me who are a bit invested in other approaches to the problem hierarchy would be pleasantly surprised that you don't have to go far. Located in the backyard of the Standard model, the decision was close. Needed young smart people who would understand it".

"This raises the price of the shares of Acciona, he adds. — Not so long ago, Axion Dark Matter eXperiment at the University of Washington in Seattle started to look for rare conversion of dark matter axions into photons inside a strong magnetic field. Now, says Dimopoulos, we'll have to watch more closely to find it."

However, like many experts, Nimes Arkani-Hamed of the Institute for advanced study in Princeton, new Jersey, notes that this assumption has only just appeared. Although it is "certainly reasonable", he says, its current implementation is still far-fetched. For example, that the axion field is stuck on the ridges created by the quarks, but not ride through them, cosmic inflation had to progress a lot slower than most cosmologists. "You add 10 billion years of inflation."

And even if the axion were found, this alone would prove that he "relaxion" — he relaxes, relaxes the value of the Higgs mass. And when the excitement has passed in the Gulf, along with Graham and Rajendran Kaplan began to develop ideas on how to test your model. In the end, perhaps, the oscillating axion field can affect the mass of the nearest elementary particles via the Higgs mass. "You could see that the electron mass varies," says Graham.

So to test the hypothesis, scientists will get another soon. (This model does not predict new phenomena that could detect TANK). And again, the chances of it a little. So a lot of smart assumptions broken off over the years that scientists are quite skeptical. However, an intriguing new model still gives a degree of optimism.

"We thought you changed your mind already everything and that there is nothing new under the sun, says Sundrum. — This theory shows that people are still intelligent creatures, and there's plenty of space for new breakthroughs". published


P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: hi-news.ru