Shining eyes: these natural remedies to quickly get rid of puffiness and black circles
Learn how to use simple folk remedies can relieve swelling of the eyelids and to remove bags under eyes at home.
Mask of grated potato and parsley
Fresh green leaves of parsley cut very finely, and impose on the bags under the eyes and on the eyelids, covering the top wet cotton swab (or 1 teaspoon chopped leaves and stems of parsley mixed with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and apply it on for 20-30 minutes).
Contrast compresses decoction of sage
1 teaspoon of the herb sage pour half a glass of boiling water, to insist 10 minutes, drain and divide into two portions — hot and cold. put two gauze in a bowl of hot and cold water.
Apply alternately cold, then hot compresses for 10 minutes in a month before bed.
A compress of parsley to relieve swelling and irritation
1 tablespoon parsley boil 1 Cup of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and strain. Lotion in the form of heat put on the eyelids and hold for 10 minutes. The course is about 1 month, daily.
Or compresses of infusions of chamomile, dill, freshly brewed tea bags (morning and evening);
A compress of chamomile for swelling
In fabric (any scarf) pour a bit of dry chamomile blossoms, swerte bag and place them in a bowl with boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then, the "bags" are still warm, put them on both eyes. This poultice is applied with highly inflamed eyes and eyelids raised, tender. In addition, with regular use (2-3 times a week) it protects from the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. You can also use tea bags with chamomile.
Lotions from birch leaves in the edema of the eyelids
Pour 1 tbsp. of fresh birch leaves and 1 Cup of cold water, to insist 8 hours then strain. Apply as a lotion for edema of the eyelids.
Drink water with turmeric every morning and you will see what happens!How to cure the joints of the fingers: a unique method
That edema should not do:
Source: aquamarin.kg7.ru/3/77/1795/

Mask of grated potato and parsley
Fresh green leaves of parsley cut very finely, and impose on the bags under the eyes and on the eyelids, covering the top wet cotton swab (or 1 teaspoon chopped leaves and stems of parsley mixed with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and apply it on for 20-30 minutes).
Contrast compresses decoction of sage
1 teaspoon of the herb sage pour half a glass of boiling water, to insist 10 minutes, drain and divide into two portions — hot and cold. put two gauze in a bowl of hot and cold water.
Apply alternately cold, then hot compresses for 10 minutes in a month before bed.
A compress of parsley to relieve swelling and irritation
1 tablespoon parsley boil 1 Cup of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and strain. Lotion in the form of heat put on the eyelids and hold for 10 minutes. The course is about 1 month, daily.
Or compresses of infusions of chamomile, dill, freshly brewed tea bags (morning and evening);

A compress of chamomile for swelling
In fabric (any scarf) pour a bit of dry chamomile blossoms, swerte bag and place them in a bowl with boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then, the "bags" are still warm, put them on both eyes. This poultice is applied with highly inflamed eyes and eyelids raised, tender. In addition, with regular use (2-3 times a week) it protects from the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. You can also use tea bags with chamomile.

Lotions from birch leaves in the edema of the eyelids
Pour 1 tbsp. of fresh birch leaves and 1 Cup of cold water, to insist 8 hours then strain. Apply as a lotion for edema of the eyelids.
Drink water with turmeric every morning and you will see what happens!How to cure the joints of the fingers: a unique method
That edema should not do:
- Drinking diuretics – in this case the liquid washed out not from the tissues and from the blood vessels that leads to blood clots and the formation of blood clots.
- Ready to use special creams and masks from edema. Do not use fatty creams under the eyes, they only increase the swelling. published
Source: aquamarin.kg7.ru/3/77/1795/