Creams from the pharmacy: such an effective action could not predict! I bought it for pennies...
Pharmacy cream It can be better than special cosmetics and at the same time be ridiculously cheap. I present you a selection of my favorite medicines that will help you look wonderful: replace the beautician, provide proper skin care, get rid of skin defects!
Pharmacies for the face
Pharmacy products for the skin of the face They will be irreplaceable, just try! The cost of many creams is pleasing - they are more affordable than special cosmetics, but they surpass it in effect. I'm sure you'll be happy!
Since childhood, Alexandra Kilimchuk is interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. He is able to prepare a chic breakfast literally from nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen: he prepares pies without flour, low-calorie mayonnaise, healthy sweets. He never gives up and believes that people are created to help each other. In all her household affairs, Sasha's son is an assistant. Alexandra’s favorite book is The Art of Loving by E. Fromm.
Pharmacies for the face
- Enterosgel.
Apply this well-known remedy on the lower eyelids at night, and in the morning there will be no bags under the eyes, even if the dream was quite short. Edema appear due to excess water in the fat layer, and a remedy for intoxication will perfectly remove them. The gel significantly dehydrates the skin, so do not forget to apply a moisturizer under the eyes after morning washing. - Cream "F 99"
If the skin is ventilated, peeling, it is better not to find a remedy! The cream includes polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin F. You can use a miracle cream to treat coarseness on the feet and cracks on the heels, it is very effective! The cream has the property of regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, is very useful for those who have problem skin. - Tiogamma dropper solution
This medicine is used for severe poisoning of the body, it is a powerful antioxidant. "Tigamma" will defeat free radicals and renew cells, get rid of wrinkles, acne, level the surface of the skin. Apply a life-saving remedy is necessary after washing with a thin layer. Note that it can dry the upper layer of the epidermis - more suitable for owners of oily and combined skin. - Curiosin gel
Healing gel, which is used to treat acne, has a magical anti-aging effect and is great for mature skin! Hyaluronic acid, present in the cream in high concentration, will moisturize the deep layers of the skin and smooth out wrinkles, as well as make the complexion healthier. - "Bepanten."
Provitamin B5 makes the skin smooth, smooth, promotes rapid cell regeneration! Suitable for people with sensitive facial skin, soothes irritation. - "Capsicams."
This is a warming agent with a very tricky action. With this cream, you can mask cellulite! Apply the ointment, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, and the aesthetic problem will disappear for a few hours. The tool improves blood circulation, so it is a useful prevention of unpleasant orange peel. - "Blepharogel."
Hyaluronic acid will help get rid of both small and deeper wrinkles. - Arnika ointment
It will help reduce facial wrinkles, improve skin tone. The ointment is used for resorption of hematomas, has a very strong effect due to an increase in blood circulation in the tissues. - Apilak ointment
Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, is an excellent tool for treating problem skin. Reduces inflammation, makes the skin extremely tender. - Relief.
Ointment that is used to treat hemorrhoids. It will smooth out wrinkles, relieve swelling, relieve the flabbiness of the skin of the eyelids.
Pharmacy products for the skin of the face They will be irreplaceable, just try! The cost of many creams is pleasing - they are more affordable than special cosmetics, but they surpass it in effect. I'm sure you'll be happy!

Since childhood, Alexandra Kilimchuk is interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. He is able to prepare a chic breakfast literally from nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen: he prepares pies without flour, low-calorie mayonnaise, healthy sweets. He never gives up and believes that people are created to help each other. In all her household affairs, Sasha's son is an assistant. Alexandra’s favorite book is The Art of Loving by E. Fromm.
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